1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 February Voice | Page 5
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse
Your Roving Reporter
Charles R. Goldswig
Dateline: Tampa, Fla.
is nationally known for her prowess
as an equitation teacher and states
there is an ever-increasing interest
manifested by the young folks in
wanting to learn how to ride Walking
Punky Crowder of Tampa did his
usually fine job at the microphone.
Punky has been emceeing the Tampa
Horse Shows exclusively, as a hobby
for the past fifteen years.
With the added attention being
shown to Walking Horses, Punky
feels the crowd reaction when he calls
for the “running walk” is equal to
the fever pitch attained when he asks
for gaited horses to “rack on”.
Miss Patti Walsh, comely 19-year-
old, formerly of Rolling Meadows,
Chicago, is the new riding instructor
at the Tampa Yacht Club Stables.
Patti is well known for her teaching
ability. Commenting on the increas
ing popularity of Walking Horses
throughout the area, Patti remarked,
“I guess I’ll have to get with those
‘nodders’ before long.”
The Tampa, Fla. Yacht Club
Stables sponsored an All-Amateur
Horse Show on Dec. 29, 30, 1962. All
activities were under the direction of
Redd Crabtree, scion of the Simpson-
ville, Ky. horse family (Helen and
An interested spectator at the
Charles Crabtree).
In the short time Redd has been in Tampa Horse Show was Marvin C.
Tampa, his accomplishments have Moore of Atlanta, Georgia. Marvin is
been many. Everyone was in accord one of the country’s outstanding
that this was an outstanding horse Horse Show managers and masters of
show on all fronts.
Standing at the rail was Jim Lind
There were English, Western and
Open Jumping classes, but the follow sey, who is enjoying a few weeks
ing summaries will include only the vacation in Florida. Jim is the proud
and prosperous owner of a Walking
Walking Horse events:
Walking Horse Open Class, Paul Horse stable in North Wales, Pennsyl
Randolph of Clearwater, Fla. on his vania where he has Bombardier's,
Midnight Snip, first; Mrs. Paul Ran Replica at stud.
With Jim was his old Walking
dolph on May Madness, second;
Goldswig of St. Petersburg, on Horse buddy, Sam Reyburn who was
in the horse business in Owensville,
Hughes Midnight Sun, third;
Walking Horse Stake, trophy and Missouri and now owns and operates
blue ribbon to Charlie Goldswig on Skybrook Riding School in St. Peters
Hughes Midnight Sun, first; Reserve burg, Florida.
to Paul Randolph on Midnight Snip;
Mrs. Paul Randolph on May Mad
MJ introduced me to Kathie Mac
Donald who specializes in pastel draw
ness, third.
ings. “Oh, Mr. Goldswig” (and I
The judge was Mrs. Peggy Evans quote), “I love to do Walking Horses.
of Marietta, Georgia. Mrs. Evans Tell me where your barn is and I
will come by and do your horse.”
Note: Kathie was as good as her word.
Now a beautiful drawing of my horse
adorns my wall.)
Sorry I did not get to see that great
mare LITTLE MYSTERY, but Mr.
W. C. Maclnnis, the proud owner,
told me she is with Steve Flill in
Tennessee. I think her record is some
thing like 29 blues and one red out
of 30 showings in 1962.
Mrs. Virginia Robinson, who is the
power-behind-the-throne for the up
coming Tampa (Florida) Horse
Show of the Orange State Circuit,
tells me there is every indication that
all stalls will be filled, and that means
320 horses. The Tampa Yacht Club
Stables, where the Show will be held,
has recently added 40 new, per
manent stalls.
In addition, the sunseats will be
covered with a brightly colored awn
ing. These folks are always mindful
of the comfort of the Horse Show en
thusiasts in the area, which is one of
the reasons why the Tampa Show is
so popular with exhibitors.
Officials for the Tampa Show,
scheduled March 7-10, are: Ring
master ............. Emmett Stone, High
Point, N. C.
Judge for saddle and harness, sad
dle seat and equitation Classes.......
Fritz Jordan of Louisville, Ky.
Hunters and Jumpers and Hunt
Seat Equitation.............Frank Haw
kins of Bedford, New York.
Walking Horses . Robert Burris,
Franklin, Tennessee.
Remember Certificates
All exhibitors planning on show
ing in Florida are reminded that
horses must have veterinarian’s certif
icates or get them when they enter
the state. For information on the Sun
shine Circuit contact Mrs. Robert W.
Olson, P. O. Box 1312, Winter Haven,
Fla., and on the Orange State Cir
cuit contact Virginia Robinson, 3609
Corona Street, Tampa, 9, Fla. Phone
AHSA High Scores
High score awards announced by
the American Horse Shows Assn, for
the 1962 season at shows affiliated
with the association are:
First, Waltzing Matilda, owned by
Mrs. FI. Fiskind, Gibsonia, Pa.
Second, Shadow’s Luminaire, own
ed by Circle T. Ranch, Inc., Mr. and
(Contmued, on Page 19)