1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 February Voice | Page 26

24 February , 1963
Virginia Lamb ( Continued from page 23 ) a bad rider , and even a horse that has been trained to direct rein may lose his ability to do a running walk properly if he is handled wrong . It is not the neck-rein itself that will cause the horse to go off gait , but the way he is taught to start with .
If he is worked on too lose a rein , where he can throw his head in any direction he chooses , you will find that he is off gait . However , as stated before , if he is trained to do his gaits first and then taught to rein , and worked on a rein just loose enough to be able to rein well and still have full control of your mount , then he should perform in the flat foot , running walk and canter and give as much satisfaction and pleasure to the rider , the same as one that is on the direct rein . Possibly more so , as it is a more relaxed type of riding . It depends upon the preference of the rider as to the style of reining on your pleasure and trail horse . Any way you do it , relax and enjoy yourself ! You will never find an easier horse to ride .
Baby Lamb Doing Fine
On Nov . 27th a new baby daughter was born to our columnist , Virginia Lamb . The tiny young lady ’ s name is Tracy May Lamb and she weighed 5 pounds and 8 ounces . Our Congratulations to Ted and Virginia ! They have two other children . Virginia wrote , “ Our baby is doing fine but she was born just a mite early . She will fit into a shoe box but we are so happy she is O . K . She just made it under the wire .”
In a letter of January 15th , Virginia says , “ Tracy is doing fine now . She weighs 9i /£ pounds and eats like a horse . That ’ s what I get for riding horses up to the last minute . All of my kids come into the world thinking they are half horses .”
We think the Voice is indeed fortunate to have Virginia Lamb as a columnist . She is dedicated to the Tennessee Walking Horse breed and says it gives her a wonderful feeling to know that she is doing something
Minister Tells Of Trek To California
The Rev . C . E . Greene , 7309 Exeter St ., Paramount , Calif ., recalls the time he took Little Society King from Johnson City , Tenn ., to California by trailer and amazed many Californians who had not before seen a horse of the Tennessee Walking Horse breed .
He believes “ King ” has served to stimulate interest in the breed — having sired many good colts in the Far West . The horse ’ s grandsires are Miller ’ s Wilson Allen and Brantley ’ s Roan Allen . “ King ” won a pleasure class at a large show in Johnson Cityin 1950 .
The minister is pastor of a Baptist Church at Paramount and until this year was on the staff of the Union Rescue Mission in downtown Los Angeles . He and friends hope to make an auto trip to the 1963 Celebration .
that she has dreamed of for so long — “ to help others and to promote the Walking Horse for the truly great horse it is .”

J . D . Hall offers —

• Several started 2-year-olds
• One Good Junior Horse
• Two Amateur Geldings
• Several Good Broke Pleasure Horses — A Few Good Brood Mares
Let Me Start Your Green Colt — You Will Like What You See .


Nashville , Tennessee Call AL 4-8494 Address Correspondence to i . D . Hall , RL 1 , Eagleville , Tennessee