Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse 9
Registrations ( Continued from page 7 )
SHADOW ’ S CAROLINE , m , by Go Boys Shadow out of Carolina Midnight , foaled April 13 , 1962 . Owner , Meek Bros ., Bell Buckle , Tenn .
BLACK DIAMOND K ., s , by Cochise Lightfoot out of Daisy Lou Chance , foaled April 29 , 1962 . Owner , Richard O . Gearhart , Sir ., Akron , Ohio
SHAKE ’ S WALKIN MAN G ., s , by Shake , Rattle & Roll , foaled June 16 , 1962 . Owner , Larry Gearhart , Akron , Ohio .
STRUTTIN SAM G ., s , by Cochise Lightfoot out of Parader ’ s Miss , foaled Apr . 27 , 1962 . Owner , Richard O . Gearhart , Sr ., Akron , Ohio
RAMBLER ’ S FANCY KAY , m , by Little After Dawn out of Go Boy ’ s Rambler , foaled June 10 , 1960 . Owner , Susan Annett Stout , Jackson , Tenn .
CLOUD ' S LADY , m , by Black Cloud out of Pride ’ s Merry , foaled May 11 , 1960 . Owner , Edward Manley , Vredenburg , Ala .
BABY DOLL W ., m . by Only Chance out of Wilson Peggy ONeaid , foaled May 11 , 1962 . Owner , Harold Vinson , Wood bur )', Tenn .
GOLDEN DAWN W ., m , by Cream Chance out of Barrett ’ s Queen , foaled May 5 , 1962 . Owner , I-Iarold Vinson , Woodbury , Tenn .
SOC1ETYS HAPPY MERRY , m , by Gordon ’ s Merry Boy out of Sandras Happy Moment , foaled Apr . 14 , 1962 . Owner , Sandra E . Neal , Winchester , Tenn .
JOE MCADAMS , s , by Sun ’ s Black Magic L . M . out of Merry McCrady , foaled March 19 , 1962 . Owners , H . Thurston Whitaker & Edna Earle Whitaker , Vicksburg , Miss .
SUN S MISTY ANGEL , m , by Midnight ’ s Esquire out of Miss Bud Allen , foaled Aug . 9 , 1962 . Owner , K . D . Robinson , West Point , Miss .
KING B ' S PROWLIN PETE , s , by Midnight Sun ’ s King B . out of Sub-Deb ., foaled June 1 , 1962 . Owner , W . W . Runyan , Marion , Ky .
KING B ’ S RAMBLER , s , by Midnight Sun ’ s King B out of Baby Betty , foaled April 25 , 1962 . Owner , AV . W . Runyan , Marion , Ky .
MERRY BOY ’ S RAMBLER R ., s , by Merry Boy ’ s Secret out of Queen Merry , foaled May 25 , 1962 . Owner , W . W . Runyan , Marion , Ky .
QUARTERBACK SNEAK , s , by Sun ’ s Quarterback out of Lady Jennifer , foaled Mar . 25 , 1962 . Owner , Hewitt J . Bordelon , Lafayette , La .
EBONY ’ S SENSATION , s , by Ebony Masterpiece out of Messy Bessie , foaled May 16 , 1962 . Owner , J . C . Ford , Marion , 111 .
EBONY ’ S SHOW GIRL , m , by Ebony Masterpiece out of Bea Ford , foaled May 5 , 1962 . Owner , J . C . Ford , Marion , 111 .
FYFFE ’ S MERRY SUN , s , by Merry ’ s Sun out of Gypsy Rose L ., foaled Apr . 20 , 1962 . Owner , J . FI . Fyfee , Staffordsville , Ky .
QUEEN FLICKER , m , by Johnston ’ s Silver A . out of Flicker Light , foaled Apr . 17 , 1949 . Owners , Dale & Beulah Finney , Nashville , Tenn .
MERRY SUN ’ S GYPSY , m , by Merry ’ s Sun out of Gypsy Rose L ., foaled May 14 , 1961 . Owner , W . R . Leland , Fountain City , Tenn .
MIDNIGHT BREEZE G . B ., s , by Fifty Grand out of Blue Dawn , foaled May 12 , 1962 . Owner , Omer J . Gebhart , Foley , Ala .
GO BOYS MERRY K ., m , by Go Boy ’ s Commander out of Lady Ernest , foaled July 3 , 1959 . Owner , Johnny Pace , Winchester , Ky .
DAN ’ S YELLOW BIRD , m , by Dan Dyer out of Victory- Day , foaled June 16 , 1961 . Owner , L . E . Smithers , Bagdad , Ky . DAN KAY , s , by Midnight Blue Booger out of Dark Empress , May 16 , 1962 . Owner , F . C . Lowery , Boaz , Ala .
SUNS CANDY APPLE , m , by Setting Sun out of Miss Wilson Lace , foaled May 26 , 1962 . Owner , David Mason , Murfreesboro , Tenn .
WYATT MERRY BOY , s , by Gordon ’ s Merry Boy out of Margie Ann , foaled May 21 , 1962 . Owner , A . H . Wyatt , Hillsboro , Tenn .
( Continued on page 10 )
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( Continued from page 7 )
and some of his friends in Wartraee come to the Lions Club supper meeting . They did so and Mr . Davis spoke .
We looked up the minutes of that meeting , May 11 , 1939 . They showed that Mr . Davis was not the main speaker , but he suggested a “ Tennessee Walking Horse Festival ” and Lion President Freeman Fly appointed William L . Parker and Phil J . Scudder on a committee to investigate the suggestion .
They carried the idea to the Rotary Club and Rotarians W . Clyde Tune and Franklin Boyd , both now deceased , were appointed to investigate . The four civic club men became the Celebration Executive Committee and carried it on for many years .
ZOO Men Pledged $ 10 Each
A meeting was held at the Courthouse and 200 men pledged to pay $ 10 each to underwrite the expenses of the first Celebration horse show . It was to last three nights with 27 classes . A parade and other activities featured the occasion . It became unnecessary to ask any of the 200 backers to pay a penny — although lumber from the bleachers was sold to make the treasury break even on the show . Gross revenue totaled $ 12,000 .
The Celebration shows continued at the high school athletic field for the first nine years , with the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders ’ Association of America , Inc ., based at Lewisburg , cooperating . That arrangement continued until 1950 , being most helpful in earlier years of the Celebration .
A major move got under way in 1947 with sale of 10- year boxes ( each containing 6 chairs ) for $ 500 per box . Sufficient boxes were sold to persons in various communities and states to finance seating capacity for 12,000 persons at the new 40-acre Celebration Grounds which were completed by 1948 .
These facilities have been consistently expanded . Civic clubs and patriotic societies have played various parts in the Celebration setup , operating food booths , selling programs and appropriate merchandise , handling parking of cars , etc .
Through the Shelbyville and Bedford County Chamber of Commerce the entire community joins in making entire homes with air-conditioned rooms , and other bedroom accommodations available for rental to Celebration visitors at nominal rates .
Early Leaders Now Gone
For 4 years the late Gilbert M . Orr served as directorgeneral for the Celebration and with his brilliant pen gave national publicity to the Celebration and to the Tennessee Walking Horse . Jimmy Joe Murray through his promotion work and Tennessee Walking Horse Magazine that ran for seven years aided greatly . William J . McGill , a dedicated historian for the breed , contributed much and is credited with choosing the name for the Celebration . Throughout the years a Blue Ribbon Yearbook has been
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