1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 December Voice | Page 7
exercise on roads and faulty ten
dons exclude exercise under sad
dle. Under such conditions, one
may have to depend upon (1) exer
cise taken voluntarily in a large
paddock, (2) lounging or exercis
ing on a 30 to 40 foot rope, or (3)
Regular daily exercise is one of
the best means of keeping the stal
lion thrifty and virle, and of as
suring strong, healthy foals. Stand-
ardbred stallions and mare are
usually jogged three to five miles
daily while drawing a cart.
Thoroughbreds and saddle stock
of all other breeds are best exer
cised under the saddle from thirty
minutes to one hour daily.
Quarters — In the wild state,
horses roamed over the fields and
glens, obtaining the feeds provided
by nature. When grass was cov
ered by a blanket of snow, they
pawed their way to it. They did
not enjoy the luxury of expensive
barns. Protection from the ele
ments consisted of a winter coat
of hair, and such shelter as they
could obtain, from windbreaks of
trees, hills and valleys. Yet, in
their native environment, horses
were hardy and rugged.
The main requisites of winter
quarters for horses are that they
be dry, sanitary, well ventilated
and well bedded; and that they
provide fairly good protection
from winds.
Vitamin D — Lack of Vitamin D
may produce rickets in foals and
osteomalacia in older horses —
crippling nutritional deficiency
diseases which affect the joints
and bones of all farm animals.
Fortunately, when animals are
out in the sunshine, adequate vita
min D is usually produced through
the action of ultra-violet light on
the skin. But when animals are
confined to winter quarters, such
conversion of vitamin D is im
possible; and, too, sunlight is less
potent in the winter than in sum
mer. Also, ultra-violet rays are
largely screened out' by window
glass, clouds, or smoke. Since
most commonly used feeds, with
the exception of sun-cured hay,
contain little or no vitamin D, de
ficiencies may be encountered dur
ing the winter months unless such
vitamin D rich concentrates as
sun-cured hay, cod-liver or other
fish oils, irradiated cholesterol or
ergosterol, or irradiated yeast are
incorporated in the ration.
Lice — Lice are more trouble-
troublesome during the winter
months then during the rest of
the year, and they are more abun
dant on weak, unthrifty animals
than on healthy ones. Affected
animals should be sprayed or
dusted with the insecticide recom
mended by the county agent or
other informed authority.
Champion of the 1963 Celebration
and consistent winner of major
Walking Horse Stakes throughout
the South and Southwest, has
been sold by Mr. Pat Kimbrough,
to a group of prominent business
men in Hickory, North Carolina.
New owners of the great horse
are Mr. C. E. Clement, Mr. Clyde
Abernathy and Mr. J. B. Sherrill.
Mr. Sam Cecil, Jr., trainer at the
Clement Stables in Hickory, North
Carolina, will be in charge of
TRIPLE THREAT and expects to
show him extensively during the
1964 show season. The big bay
champion will join some twenty
horses in training at the new facil
ities of the Clement Stables, one
of the coming centers of Walking
Horse activities in the Southeast.
The many enthusiastic followers
won by TRIPLE THREAT in his
sensational career will be eagerly
awaiting his appearances in show-
rings throughout the nation.
Top-bred mares, colts and
Mares bred to Midnight Sun,
Midnight Mack K and
Stately’s Go Boy
Visitors Always Welcome
Columbia, Tennessee
Phone 388-4750 or 583-2373
"Sacramento Bee" Reports
Horse Boom In California
2907 37th Avenue
Sacramento, Calif.
(Editor’s Note — The following
article occupied about a full page
in the Sacramento (Calif.) Bee—
and was written by Henry Jen
nings. It was headed “Walking
Horse Keeps Pace With North
State Boom. This clipping came
to us from our precious North
California (Sacramento) corres
pondent — Virginia Lamb —
whose stallion, Cheynne Thunder
is shown in action in The Bee.
Jennings spent several hours talk
ing with Trainer Leonard Dunn
and Mrs. Lamb. Here’s what he
wrote about the TWH and illus
trated his splendid article with
three real big pictures:)
(Reprinted from The Sacramento Bee,
Aug. 11, 1963)
Of all the booms taking place in fast
growing Cailfornia, there is one the
average bystander probably never
would notice unless he was on the back
of a horse.
The boom is in horse riding — not
just any horse, but the famed Ten
nessee Walking Horse which is, as
Tranier Leonard Dunn of Sacramento
puts it, a showpiece seen primarily at
state and county fairs. At the Cali
fornia Spring Fair Horse Show, for
example, it is one of the most popular
But now, Western horsemen have
come to appreciate the breed, says
Dunn, not only because of its eye
pleasing elegance but also for its ver
‘Most Fascinating’ To Watch
First, as a show horse, it is one of
the most fascinating to watch, with
flat, easy, graceful gaits which make
for the most pleasurable of rides.
Second, it is mild-mannered, easy to
train and to handle, thus filling two
needs of the weekend urban rider.
As further proof of its versatility, a
Tennessee Walking Horse owned by
Nancy Ely of Orangevale, a student at
the San Juan High School, recently
was named the overall winner in a
gymkhana event, a competition usually
dominated by quarter horses.
(Continued on Page 18)