1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 December Voice | Page 22

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Roger Alexander of Union City , Tennessee writes that he is a newcomer to the Walking Horse World . His horse , MIDNIGHT GO BOY , placed 26 times out of 28 shows in 1963 in Tennessee , Kentucky , Illinois , Missouri and Arkansas . His family and their Sunnydale Farms have big plans for 1964 and the show season .
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“ We have Tennessee Walking Horses we think the world of ,” says Mrs . Clarence ' L . Goodman , Rt . 2 , Box 8 , Galex , Virginia . “ My husband is a trainer . We have our own stables located on Highway 89 south of Galax , Virginia . He is working about 29 Tennessee Walkers . My daughter , Judy , has her own horse and has won juvenile classes and other events on SUN ’ S HYDROMATIC . Won several blues this summer . Thanks so much for your wonderful magazine .”
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Mrs . Jeanne Dixon of Rt . 2 , Box 704 Klamath Falls , Oregon , reports she and her husband use their four registered Tennessee Walking Horses for various purposes — parades , cattle round-up , general farm work , and pleasure . She has taken many trophies on her sorrel gelding . They have a pair of matched white Walkers , a roan stallion out of Gold Bond mare , and the FLYING DOLLAR , a stallion .
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George McGilurd of Route 3 , Beaver Dam , Wisconsin , reports there is a marked rise in Tennessee Walking Horse recognition in his area . “ Walkers here in Wisconsin are a comparatively new breed , and until about three years ago only an occasional Walker was to be seen . Now all major shows have several well-filled classes and many smaller shows recognize them also ... I have several registered horses , including a pony mare . . . Several horse enthusiasts around here are planning to form a trail ride association ... I can see no reason why the Tennessee Walking Horse should not become as popular as any other breed in our area .”
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People of all ages took part in the annual “ fun day ” held at the Bridle Trails State Park in Kirkland , Wash .; but Vera Westall of Woodinville , Wash , tells us the “ star ” of the attraction was a 78- year-old competitor . She did not identify the individual but he competed in the class for riders 39 years or over .
This annual “ fun day ” is held by the Walking Horse Breeders Association of Washington state with performance classes in the morning and games in the afternoon . Our writer says this event is looked forward to by many in that area — and attendance was good despite inclement weather .
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Two visitors from California called recently at the VOICE Editor ’ s home in Shelbyville and their journey carries an interesting story . They are Mr . and Mrs . Kenneth Easby , 3421 N . Snelling Highway , Merced , Calif . The Easbys have traveled extensively all over the world , but they never had been through the Panama Canal . So in September they started a trip to New York by freighter , going through the Panama Canal with their car and finally landing in New York . Now they are returniiig to California on land , visiting friends and enjoying especially stops at horse training establishments .
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Mrs . Joy Presley , Rt . 1 , West Bend , Wisconsin , writes that she and her husband have a Tennessee Walking mare who has foaled five colts — all grandsons of Midnight Sun .
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An interesting note from Mrs . W . A . Fernau , Jr ., Highland Road , Route 1 , Mead , Washington explains why they moved to a farm . She put it this way :
“ After more than three years of driving back and forth 8 miles each way twice a day to feed our 7 wonderful Walkers — through good weather and bad — we have moved to a farm to keep them with us ,” she wrote .
“ We are certainly devoted Walker fans and can ’ t for the life of us understand what people can see in any other breed . We hope they will wake up one of these days and buy Walkers . Thanks for doing a great deal to promote the Tennessee Walking Horse .”
ANSWER : After the horse is going in a good canter , slow him back gradually while working his head gently by raising it up and letting it fall . Do this in rhythm with his movements . It may also help to canter him in high weeds or up a slope .
Find the answers to your questions in THE CARE AND TRAINING OF THE TENNESSEE WALKING HORSE , by Joe Webb , trainer of 1959 World ' s Grand Champion RODGERS ’ PER­ FECTION and other famous Walking Horses .
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