1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 December Voice | Page 19
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Chuck Isbill of Etowah, Ten
nessee does not look as natural
serving as Flag Bearer as he does
receiving ribbons at the end of an
amateur or juvenile class. Chuck
and his seven year old roan geld
ing ALLEN’S BIG SHOT were in
shows practically every week-end
from early spring until late fall
and were always in the money.
They started the season with a
“blue” in Oak Ridge in April, and
ended with a “blue” in Murphy,
North Carolina in October. Chuck,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Is
bill, is an eighth grade student
and a football player, but nothing
interests him more than his horse.
He started with ponies at the
age of seven, and soon wanted a
Tennessee Walking Horse. So, with
the help of Mr. Wink Groover,
Chuck was soon the owner of his
first Walking Horse, SYCA
MORE’S PRIDE, and won more
than half of the pleasure walking
classes that he entered. His next
horse, ALLEN’S BIG SHOT, was
purchased from Mr. Clyde Ander
son of Athens, Tennessee.
Chuck is a favorite rider of
hundreds of horse enthusiasts in
East Tennessee, making new
friends each place he shows. Older
horsemen describe him as one of
the best young riders in the South.
The way he handles ALLEN’S
BIG SHOT is very outstanding, as
was proven at the National Cele
bration in Shelbyville this year.
The most complete promotional service ever offered to both large and small breeders
of Tennessee Walking Horses is being prepared for our January issue. A full-page
advertisement (complete with photograph, pedigree, and other information of interest
to breeders), 1000 copies of this page, one years’ listing in the VOICE Stud Registry,
and location of your stallion on a coded map of the United States will constitute a
promotional package of rare merit. Since the VOICE reaches virtually every one in the
Walking Horse world, you will not want to miss this opportunity to show what your
stallion has to offer.
Details and materials are being mailed to every known breeder; if you did not receive
our full announcement by December 10, please write us at once. We will gladly place
you on our special mailing list and keep you informed of new features and developments
in our services to the Walking Horse industry.
Box 3054
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404
Out of the 91 horses entered in the self — with the exception of a
two Juvenile Classes, Chuck rode month or so each spring, when he
takes “Big Shot” to the Wink
away with a third place ribbon.
Chuck is the youngest member Groover Stables in Etowah for
of the East Tennessee Walking “extra training.” He has 96 rib
Horse Association and also the bons, the majority of them blue
only amateur rider in that section and red.
to ever place his horse two con
The Isbill’s have two younger
secutive years at the Celebration. children — Robin, 5, and Betty 2.
In 1962 Chuck and “Big Shot” tied The entire family attends the
ninth in the Juvenile Class.
shows, and it’s obvious that they
Chuck trains his horse by him are all extremely proud of Chuck.