1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 December Voice | Page 17
92,000,000 To View Sun’s Delight
And Sam Paschal In Parade of Roses
Walking Horse Enthusiasts
Of Florida
Just a short while back, Walk
ing Horses and Walking Horse
People were a small part of the
Horse Fraternity in this State.
Today, there is a live enthusias
tic group who make up the Walk
ing Horse Association of Florida.
Upwards of fifty members meet
regularly in the interests of the
Horse. Officers and trus
Fray Escue, president of the
group give freely of
Fray Escue Pontiac Company,
effort to popularize
Covington, Kentucky, which owns
SUN’S DELIGHT, has enjoyed un this breed. However, the respon
usual success in the short time he sibility of this pleasant chore can
has owned and exhibited Ten not be borne and carried out by
nessee Walking Horses. Showing these men alone.
in several strong Amateur Classes
A salute is due Dr. M. Silver,
in 1963, he won many ribbons. President, Brandenton, Florida;
Nancy, twelve-year-old daughter Henry Boswell, Vice President,
of Mr. Escue and his charming St. Petersburg, Florida; C. R.
wife, Dot, began showing only Goldswig, Secretary - Treasurer,
last April, but is rapidly develop Dayton, Ohio, and St. Petersburg,
ing into a skillful exhibitor. She Florida; Frank Roper, Trustee,
also won several important classes Winter Park, Florida; Walter F.
in the 1963 season and is looking Peterson, Trustee, Jacksonville,
forward to more victories in 1964. Florida; D. R. Witter, Trustee,
For veteran trainer, Sam Pas Sarasota, Florida; and Walter
Pierce, Trustee, Miami, Florida,
chal, the invitation to ride in the for
their efforts to date.
“Parade of Roses” is another dis
tinctive honor and another op
But if this grand breed of horses
portunity to promote the Ten is to reach its proper level with
nessee Walking Horse across the other horses hereabouts, it is vital
Thousands of spectators will nation.
and necessary that professional
throng the streets of Pasadena
trainers and all the owners,
to witness the “Parade of Roses,”
Paschal commented, “I am very breeders, and lovers of Walking
and a nationwide television aud happy for the invitation to ride in Horses do their fair share.
ience estimated to number 92,- the ‘Parade of Roses’ because the
One of the best ways known is
000,000 will view the event in their publicity given to SUN’S DE
homes. Thus, millions who are as LIGHT will benefit everybody in to show walking horses to the
yet unacquainted with Tennessee the Walking Horse business. Mr. public. Everyone should support
Walking Horses will be intro Escue, Nancy and I will do our best the Florida Horse Circuits by en
duced to the breed for the first to show this tremendous television tering the Classes and cooperating
time. This appearance of SUN’S audience why Tennessee Walking in every way with those putting on
DELIGHT, together with his es Horses are the greatest horses in horse shows. Then the Walking
corts, provides another great op the world. We hope all our friends Horse Classes will not be dropped
portunity for us to publicize the will be looking for us in the parade or reduced in number.
merits of “the world’s greatest on New Year’s Day.”
Announcements of the Florida
pleasure horse.” Each lover of
The horses will leave for Cali Shows, with dates and details, are
Walking Horses should tell his fornia on December 26 and will be
friends to watch for SUN’S DE conveniently stabled near the being carried elsewhere in this
magazine as well as all other horse
LIGHT in the parade; then write place where the parade begins.
to the Chairman of the “Parade
We congratulate Sam Paschal
of Roses,” Pasadena, California,
You are urged to do your part
thanking the committee for invit and the Fray Escue family upon
ing our World’s Grand Champion this honor and the further recogni in this great crusade to keep up
to participate in the parade. (Be tion they are obtaining for the and popularize a grand American
sure to find out at what time the Tennessee Walking Horse.
chal have been invited to partici
pate in the spectacular “Parade of
Roses” in Pasadena, California,
January 1, 1964. This invitation is
both another recognition of the
national popularity of the Ten
nessee Walking Horse and another
personal triumph for the great
1963 World’s Grand Champion
and his popular trainer. The first
World’s Grand Champion Walk
ing Horse ever to receive a coveted
invitation to “walk” in the color
ful “Parade of Roses,” SUN DE
LIGHT will be appropriately es
corted in the five-mile long parade
by Nancy Escue on CHARLIE
BROWN and Fray Escue on
FLASHY BENNIE. These three
horses and their riders will be
representing the entire Walking
Horse World, as they are sche
duled to be the only horses of our
breed in the entire parade.
parade will be telecast in your
time zone. It is scheduled to be
gin at 11:30 A.M., Central Stan
dard Time.)