1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 December Voice | Page 10
Largo runs from Feb. 26-March
1st; the show in Tampa, March
4-8th; the show in Orlando, with
a $2,500 Walking Horse stake,
March 12-15th; and, the eighth and
Method of Selecting Judges
final show of the Circuit in Gaines
ville, March 18th-22nd.
I am happy to report that a
The judging of horse shows gen
erally is accepted as one of the Convention Hall is being built in
toughest jobs found anywhere! St. Petersburg and will have
With a view to improving the facilities for an indoor horse show.
The Florida Walking Horse As
situation, the Orange State Circuit
has requested the Professional sociation is conducting a member
Horsemen’s Association of Florida, ship drive and hopes to gain 100
as well as the Florida Walking members by April 1, 1964. As you
Horse Association, to submit a list can see, the state of Florida is the
of judges whom they think should place to go for a vacation and
be considered by the committees horse shows.
appointing the judges for the three
1 have had several inquiries re
Orange State Circuit Horse Shows. garding a story entitled, “Horse
The Association should be Fever,” which appeared in this
saluted for their perception in this magazine last year. Next month’s
direction and in recognizing that magazine will contain this article.
through closer cooperation and
giving consideration to others will
In answer to inquiries about
this difficult aspect of showing horse transportation — to those of
horses be improved. At some future you who do not have your own
time no doubt, horse-show mana van or trailer, I am happy to re
gers and officials will also tighten port that Charles W. Glenn, 5320
up the late entries and scratches in 31st Street South, St. Petersburg,
changing of classes. Of course, Florida, has been authorized by
there are extreme cases of urgency the Florida Public Utilities Com
or illness where it is necessary to mission to transport show horses.
make a change . . . but once people
* *
have signed up and the entries
have been recorded, it is mani The next meeting of the Florida
festly unfair to ask the horse-show Walking Horse Association will be
secretary, judges, and all other of held December 18, in Bradenton,
ficials to be upset and turned Florida, at the Cabana Motor
around to satisfy the whim of Lodge.
some one exhibitor. There are
many refinements that could be
In order to meet with members
made to improve the staging of a all over the State of Florida, sec
horse show which have been put tional meetings will be held by
in vogue elsewhere to the mutual the Trustees who are located
benefit of all.
strategically. Exact dates, time,
and places of these meetings will
Sunshine Circuit
be announced at the December
The Sunshine Circuit for 1964 meeting.
offers $100,000 in cash, trophies
and ribbons, with classes in all INTEREST OF WEBB FAMILY
major divisions, starting in Winter
Haven Jan. 29th-Feb. 2, with a $10,-
Among the best known young
000 Jumper Stake. The $2,500
Working Hunter stake will be held families in the Walking Horse
at DelRay Beach, Feb. 5-9th. Mov World are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Webb
ing to Miami, Feb. 14th-18th a $2,- and their five children. From old
500 Five Gaited stake has been est to youngest, each member of
planned. This will be followed by a this devoted family enjoys the
$2,500 Three Gaited stake in Palm scores of Tennessee Walking
Beach, Feb. 20-23rd.