1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 August Voice | Page 11

Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse 9 at 7 p.ra. Contact Tommy Eslanger, Dandridge, Tenn., Phone 397-2798 for information. Entries in the show last year totaled 170 head. Jefferson County Show The annual Jefferson County Horse Show at Jefferson County Fair Grounds is scheduled Friday. Aug. 23, MR. AND MRS. BOYD BEVERIDGE of FLYING B FARM Rt. 5 Shelbyville—Lynchburg Pike INVITE ALL THEIR FRIENDS TO VISIT DURING THE CELEBRATION For Sale—Colts by Midnight Sun, Merry Go Boy, Sun Dust BEDFORD TRAIL RIDERS HAVE ACTIVE SEASON Organized trail riding has returned to Bedford County and to Shelbyville, home of the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration. The group has staged rides on alternate Sunday afternoons this sum­ mer—and has organized informally under the name—The Bedford Trail Riders. Officers are Henry C. Tilford, Jr., president; Evan Lloyd Adamson, vice-president; both of Shelbyville; Miss Betty Sain, Bell Buckle, secre­ tary. Rides have been staged from Bed­ ford Farms, operated by Tilford; Holly Tree Farm, operated by Fred Phillips, Sr.; the Pearl Sain farm at Bell Buckle; and the Jim Farrar farm at Flat Creek. Afore than 50 riders usually are on the trail for these events. Tilford and Adamson are both directors on the executive committee of the National Celebration. Harrison A. Biggi, 8 Oakmont Cir­ cle, Lexington, Mass., is interested in finding anyone near him who is in­ terested in Tennessee Walking Horses or raising them. 45th MURRAY FARM SALE Lewisburg, Tenn. October 17 and 18,1963 We are presently taking entries for this sale and urge you to get your entries in at once. On Oct. 17 we will sell colts, broodmares and breeding stallions. On Oct. 18 we will sell horses under saddle. Late entries will be sold after those listed in catalogue. Write to Murray Farm Sale, P. O. Box 291, Lewisburg, Tenn. HAROLD WISE, Owner FARM PHONE 395-3831 RESIDENCE PHONE 395-1058