1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 April Voice | Page 33

Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse Meridian, Texas, Heard From A. C. McKinney of Box 585, Merid­ ian, Texas, informs the Voice Editor that lie made an error and performed horse-stealing (a hanging offense in Texas) when reporlng the Texas State Fair Horse Show in the November issue. W'c saitl Kay Lynn’s Merry Bob and foal, tied first in the Walking Horse Mare and Foal Class, were from Meridian. Mis-. The horse and foal were shown by Brother McKinney. The foal is by the well-known and justly famous Rodgers’ Perfection and the dam is by :he noted Merry Boy of a generation ago (the daddy of Merry Go Boy). We apologize for hi­ jacking the McKinney stock and here­ with return it to the home stalls in Meridian, Texas. (BAG.) 31 BUILT RIGHT! BRED RIGHT! WITH A CELEBRATION RECORD! MERRY BOY'S CHANCE-No. 540121 (Old Merry Boy's Last Great Show Stallion—Dam by Miller's Wilson Allen) Quiz Coiumrt Q—“Here’s S5. I would like to get a copy of your training book.” (A typical letter.) A—We did not complete our train­ ing book project. Last October Mary Frances and 1 returned more than S3, 500 in about 700 checks to termi­ nate that venture in which we lost about Si,000. It was a dumb stunt for me to get the idea 1 could "write” a training book. We recommend that everybody wanting such a book send S8 to joe Webb, Searcy, Ark., and get the best factual book we have ever seen written on Tennessee Walking Horse Care and Training. Such a book should be studied — and read over and over again to get the good Stull from it. BAG. * * STANDING AT Larry Gribble's Stables * Double Amputee (Continued from Page 15) he did a lot of riding but somebody else put the finishing touch of train­ ing on them. He is still interested in horses, hunt­ ing and fishing. Five years ago, after having his leg amputated, he at­ tended the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration for two nights. His hunting days are over, but he still intends to get in some fishing this year. A friend goes with him and he takes his chair so he can sit and fish from the bank. When not working, he enjoys pass­ ing the time by watching television. He especially likes the gospel quartet programs and watches them whenever he can. Drive by Stewart-Potts Motors sound your horn at the big door: it will promptly open and inside you wdl sce the smiling Negro man who loves his job and won’t quit "as long a:, the Good Marster leaves him here.” Fee $100—at Time of Service—Return Privileges. Located 8 Miles North of McMinnville On Highway 56 Horse owner by Larry Gribble and Sam Paschal—Phone 934-2167