" California-trained Tennessee Walk-ini ’ Horses will contend for your Celebration World ’ s Championships in the not too distant future .” R . Mitcliel McClure of Los Angeles ( right ) warned Tennessee Gov . Buford Ellington at the Big Shoiv one night . He said Southern California is rapidly becoming “ Tennessee Walking Horse Country .” McClure recently resigned as president of the Tennessee W ' alhing Horse Association of California . He is the world ’ s largest Chevrolet dealer and seller of trucks — and is regional vice president of the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders & Exhibitors ’ Assn . McClure was a breakfast guest of the Governor at the Mansion in Nashville . He was the Celebration house guest of Mr . and Mrs . II . Tom Fulton of Chapel
Hill . Mrs . Ellington is seated with the Governor and Mr . McClure .
“ California is truly hungry for Tennessee Walking Horses and the Golden West is rapidly becoming “ Tennessee Walking Horse Country ,” says R . Michel McClure — who recently resigned as president o £ the Tennessee Walking Horse Association of California . He was attending his fourth Celebration .
He is regional vice president for the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders & Exhibitors ' Assn , of America on the Pacific Coast .
McClure has two stables , Courtesy Stables in Los Angeles owned a n d operated by Courtesy Chevrolet ( name of his automobile agency there ), and a stable for pleasure horses in Phoenix . Trainer Bill Oakford rode his Go Boy ’ s Ballerina C to the Pacific Coast mare championship for the 1901 season , and his Mr . Millionaire to the Pacific Coast stallion championship for two years . Mc Clure is the Celebration house quesL of Mr . and Mrs . Thomas H . Fulton at Chapel Hill .
“ I am tremendously impressed with this National Celebration in Shelbyville ,” McClure continued . " Not only with the greatest crowds but with the enthusiastic interest shown from the faraway Pacific Coast which I am sure will be represented more and more as the years pass .”
He predicts more Pacific Coast trained horses will be hauled the 2,300 miles from California to exhibit in the Celebration classes — and he expects the day to come soon when horses trained in his area will be contending for more world ' s championship honors . “ California-trained horses will be entries to contend with in the not too far distant future ,” the Los Angeles visitor emphaized .
Despite the emphasis of automobiles in his life — McClure says traveling on the back of a good Tennessee Walking Horse presents a thrill found in no other means of transportation .
The Californian recently returned from a visit of 11 days in Russia and East Berlin — and a longer stay in the Common Market countries with a group of 11 associates to survey conditions . The visit to Russia was to make a special study of the effect the Soviet System might have upon the future life in America and other nations .
The group also analyzed the effect the Common Market might be expected to have on America ’ s various industries and commerce . Mc Clure represented the automotive industry on the tour sponsored by Chamber of Commerce of Northern California . Report of thesiudy is of a confidential nature .
“ As one of the thousands of visitors in your lovely town — I say thank you for abundant hospitality as well as a great show ,” McClure concluded . He was born in Indiana — where he first rode Tennessee Walking Horses — and was for 10 years an automobile dealer in Memphis .
September , 1962
of the Tennessee Walking Horse
Ben A . Green ...................... Publisher-Editor
Mrs . Ben A . Green .......................... Secretary OFFICE — SHELBYVILLE , TENN . ( This monthly magazine is dedicated to the welfare of the Tennessee Walking Horse breed for show and pleasure .) OUR AIM — To maintain a permanent publication that will merit the full support of all who love the Tennessee Walking Horse .
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse is owned by Ben A . Green and Mrs . Ben A . Green , Shclbyville , Tcnn ., and its editorial contents can be used for rc-publication by any person or firm provided proper credit is given and the magazine is correctly quoted .
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse is published monthly at 1110 South Brittain St ., Shclbyville , Tenn .
Send all subscription payments and advertising payments to Ben A . Green , Shelbyville , Tenn .
Subscription Price : $ 4 per year ; single copy 50 cents .
Dear Friends :
Millions of ideas race through my brains , but let me just put a few of them on paper for you to read and understand :
We believe this is the greatest Horse Breed Magazine Ever Printed and we intend to PROMOTE IT JUST LIKE THAT .
You can get any number you wish at 50e each or 10 for $ 2.50 . We will mail them out to any number of people you name — at that rate . It costs each to mail one .
Our Champion plates are copperplates — and can last for any number of printings . Every Texan in Congress has a copy , including Vice-President Lyndon Johnson . We are also sending one to Mrs . John F . Kennedy — Jackie to you .
So we have been ferociously busy . Maybe we have not answered your mail . We slept four hours a night for eiglu nights running , we took some medicine the doctor told us to take , we mailed newspapers , we had many lovely visitors , we might have missed some but we tried not to be “ rude ” ( o anyone .
Mary Frances and I appreciate every person in this world — and we have a special love for everybody who loves the Tennessee Walking Horse like we do . ( Ben A . Green ).
She ’ s Balling 1,000
Linda Rogers , age 16 , 318 Madison Avenue , New Albany , confides she has “ shown our Walking Horse once this year and won first place .” That ’ s what we call a perfect percentage for a perfect girl . She attended her second Celebration this year . BAG .