1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 October Voice | Page 4
October, 1962
Mare Kicked To Death—And
(continued from page I)
occurred in the case of Betty Sain, he was unable to
save the foal in view of its prematurity.
The autopsy did serve at least one good purpose, in
that it revealed to these young Walking Horse lovers,
somewhat in mockery, the fact that the foal would have
been a fine black stallion, exactly what they had hoped
Sought Another Broodmare—In Foal
Drew Maddux is not a man who will take defeat
easily. After the grief of the Family had subsided some
what, he, with his attractive wife, Judy, his daughter,
Lee Ann, and young son, Rick, set out in search of an
other broodmare to replace the deceased mare. After
considerable search, they found and purchased an equally
fine, black Merry Boy mare, in foal to Piddley, from
Roy Hix of Flat Creek, and once again everybody is
Ben, this is the story, written in rough form, that I
spoke to you about at the Celebration. I feel that you
can put the Ben Green touch to it and make a good
story out of it which will be of interest to the people.
Mr. Maddux is just launching into the Walking Horse
field, and I predict that we will be hearing more from
him in the future. We should welcome him into the
Walking Horse fellowship through “The Voice of the
Tenn. Walking Horse.”
It may be that he has subscribed to your publication
I told him about it during the Celebration, and he
stated he wanted it. It he did not subscribe, when this
story comes out, if you could send him a complimentary
copy, I feel sure he will subscribe.
I-iis address is:
Drew R. Maddux
4603 Saunders Avenue
Nashville, Tenn.
Best wishes to you.
Yours very truly,
1319 Nashville Trust Bldg.
Nashville, Tenn.
Woman Trained Her own Horse and Wins Blues
season (Aug. 1, 1962), 7 blues, 3 seconds and 2 thirds.
This Letter is from a brave, strong woman, Mrs. James
"Then we were very brave and took Daisy Mae to an
C. Buss, Route 1, Renfrew, Pa., who writes:
inter-state show in Canfield, Ohio and entered her in the
"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Green: We are sending you a check Junior Stake with eight top horses. We placed fifth and
for §4 for the Voice magazine for a friend who owns and we were really happy for my first big show as an amateur
loves Walking Horses (but who can help but love them?)
“Mr. Billy Liles, trainer and manager for Hy-Tyre
We show all of our Walking Horse friends your magazine Farm (Dr. and Mrs. H. Fiskin of Pennsylvania) said
and your book and they can hardly wait to get their own ‘That was the best class of 3-year-olds I've seen since I
came up North.’ The competition is growing and growing.
“This magazine is the best thing that could happen for But so are our helpers. We have a son 6 years old and
the lovers and breeders of that magnificent animal.
a little girl 3. They both love Walking Horses.
“We have four Walking Mares (two broodmares and
“We purchased our first mare in 1958 but I have loved
two show colts). One coll is four months old and just horses as far back as I can remember. Although I didn’t
loves to show herself in the field. Every time you call her know there were different breeds, I’m sure glad we started
name she whinnies back to you. She enjoys all the at with the right breed. I hope you didn’t mind this big
letter, but when I get started about horses I don’t know
“The other one I mentioned is our 3-year-old that we when to stop. I'm really looking forward to the Training
are very proud of. This is my first season in the show Book and daily news of the Celebration my husband
ring and we have surprised a lot of people. I did all the sent for.”
training and my husband did the shoeing—first time for
(We are sure all will agree that Mrs. Buss is a deter
both of us.
mined woman. Our major point is that many persons who
“So many people tried to discourage me by saying it do not think they can train a horse for pleasure riding-
just couldn't be done and you had to have a trainer. But can do so. As for training a horse to show—that is much
it didn’t discourage me. I just worked even harder to more difficult. In major shows it’s a professional business,
prove them wrong. We have won 14 ribbons so far this surely in most cases.)
He Wooed Her With A Horse; Won Her Hand;
He Gave Her A Horse-And She's Plenty Happy
Now we have HEARD EVERY
THING. If we understand this letter
from Mrs. Virginia Reagan of Rea
gan’s Walking R Ranch, Mt. Pinos
Road, Maricopa, Calif., it seems that
Kermit Reagan "plighted his troth”
to Virginia by naming a Walking
Horse for her—and later gave her that
horse as a wedding present. See if you
"get this” out of Virginia’s letter:
"Dear Mr. Green. While visiting at
the L. E. Brantleys of Wasco over the
4th (of July) they gave us the June
issue of your wonderful magazine.
We have five Walkers at present lime.
Our stallion is Dare Devil 453197;
our mare Miss Allen Flash 463197.
Their 3-year-old son is Allan a Dare
which we intend to keep as a stallion.
"Another son of a year is Robin a
Dare, a spittin’ image of his sire and
our new little filly born this last
May—Miss Rose a Dare because she
looks so like a rosebud.
”1 am afraid I got side-tracked
from what I started to write. What
we want is a year’s subscription to the
Voice—starting with the first issue, a
(continued on page 23)