1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 October Voice | Page 11
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse
Simple Answers To 3 Questions About
Naming Colt, Weaning, Breeding Back
of the
Tennessee Walking Horse
B en A. G reen ........................ Publisher-Editor
cepted but an identifying initial is M rs . B en A. G reen ........................... Secretary
placed after it. For instance the rec (This OFFICE—SHELBYVILLE,
magazine is dedicated to the welfare
ords show at least two horses named ol the monthly
Tennessee Walking Horse breed for show and
Major Wilson. The Major Wilson OUR AIM—To maintain a permanent publication
will merit the full support of all who love
horse which won the world’s grand that
the Tennessee Walking Horse.
championship at the Celebration in
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse is owned
A. Green and Mrs. Ben A. Green, Shrlby-
1961 is Major Wilson B. The B was villc, Tenn.,
and its editorial contents can be used
re-publication by any person or firm provided
apparently used because the owner is for
proper credit is given and the magazine is correctly
Claude Brown of Morehead, Ky. It is quoted.
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse is pub
true that names of horses are some lished
monthly at 1110 South Brittain St., Shclby-
1 enn.
times changed after first registration, ville.
Send all subscription payments and advertising
but the rule is that a horse’s name payments to Ben A, Green, Shclbyville, Tenn.
Price: §4 per year; single copy
cannot be changed if said horse has 50 Subscription
or produced a foal. Forms for
Reader writes: "I wonder if you sired
ever realized that the young man on applications for registration can be
the farm today knows little about secured from the Breeders’ Assn, office
horses as of course, in our part of at Lewisburg.
Dr. Ensminger
the country (Illinois) they have been
Question: How long do you usually
(continued from page S)
using tractors for years. Never having let the colt run with the mare and
had a registered horse, I have several when do you wean them and how
problems that I would like to have much can you use the mare after a A correctly shod horse is a more effi
cient performer. Shoes may be used to
answers on and perhaps you can give colt is born?
change gaits and action, to correct
them to me, otherwise tell me where I
ANSWER: Some excellent advice faulty hoof structure or growth, and
can get them.”
on weaning is given in the articles by to protect the hoof itself from such
Question: How do you go about S. W. Beech of Belfast, Tenn. in the conditions as corns, contraction, or
selecting a name for registration and June and July issues of the Voice. He cracks.
advises that weaning be done when
when do you register a coll?
Racing “plates” are used on run