1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 May Voice | Page 19

17 Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders Elect; Consider Aid To College TWH Course Directors of the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ and Ex­ hibitors* Association of America. Inc., meet for an official photo following the annual session of the association in Lewisburg, Tenn. on May 12. From left are: front row, Chairman John H. Amos of the Board of Directors, Franklin, Tenn.; first vice- president W. W. Gill of Petersburg, Tenn.; President S. W. Beech of Belfast, Tenn. (address Rt. 5, Lewisburg); second vice-president C. C. Turner of Broadway, Va.; Mrs. James H. Hawkins, Lewisburg, secretary-treasurer; standing, Tom H. Fulton, executive secretary, Lewisburg; Directors, Ed Ezell, Chapel Hill, Tenn.; J. Glenn Turner, Dallas, Tex.; Dr. W. V. Gamier, Bastrop, La.; and J. French Brantley, Manchester, Tenn. One director, Dr. W. F. Fessey of Nashville, was not present. Committee Named To Investigate Details of Proposed Classes At Middle Tennessee State College The Tennessee Walking Horse may man of the Board of Directors, First enter college this fall—with a 3-hour Vice-President W. W. Gill of Peters­ elective course starting in September burg, Tenn., and J. French Brandey at Middle Tennessee State College- of Manchester, Tenn. designed to give instruction in all The association elected the officers phases of Tennessee Walking Horse previously nominated by the directors. production, care, training, riding for These officers are: S. W. Beech of Rt. 5, Lewisburg, show and pleasure. This ambitious project emerged into the public eye near Belfast, president; W. W. Gill, May 12 at the annual meeting of the vice-president; C. C. Turner, Broad­ Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ way, Va., second vice-president; Amos and Exhibitors’ Association of Amer­ and Dr. W. F. Fessey, directors for new 3-year terms; and J. Glenn Turn­ ica, Inc., held in Lewisburg, Tenn. Action was officially taken Friday er, to finish up Beech’s one year re­ afternoon at a meeting of the Board maining on the board of directors. of Directors. President J. Glenn Fourteen regional vice-presidents were Turner of Dallas, Tex. at that time also elected as follows; Region 1—M a i n e, Massachusetts, appointed a committee to investigate all phases of the proposal first pre­ New Hampshire, Connecticut, Ver- sented by Dr. Robert A. Alexander, Joseph J. Cignetto of Mechanicsburg, associate professor of Animal Hus­ Pa. bandry in the Dept, of Agriculture mont, Delaware, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania— at MTSC, Murfreesboro. Region 2—North Carolina and Named to die committee were John H. Amos of Franklin, Tenn., chair­ South Carolina—Dr. T. W. Long, Newton, N. C. Region 3—Alabama and Georgia— E. A. Self, Rt. 4, Box 171, Mobile, Ala. Region 4—Florida, William C. Mac- Innes, 98 Martinique, Tampa, Fla. Region 5—Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky—Frank S. Hawley, 1215 Jackson St., Toledo, Ohio. Region 6—Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota—H. F. Klosterman, David City, Neb. Region 7—Illinois, Missouri and Kansas—J. Leon Hall, Hillsboro, Mo. Region 8—Louisiana and Missis­ sippi—J. Sidney Mouton, Box 926, Jennings, La. Region 9—T e x a s—R o b e r t F. Thompson, 1000 Fidelity Union Tower, Dallas, Tex. Region 10—Colorado, New Mexico, Utah,Wyoming and Montana—Rich­ ard Leamon, Albuquerque, N. Mex­ ico. Region 11—California, Arizona and Nevada—R. Mitchell McClure, Los Angeles, Cal. Region 12—Washington, Idaho and Oregon—Mrs. D. G. Eggerman, 19012 (Continued on Page 30)