Columbia Capsule
Columbia ' s National Spring Jubilee Draws Great Horses , Great Trainers , Great Owners
4 May , 1962
Columbia Capsule
( This information supplied by Executive Secretary Lewis Amis , Columbia — Mt . Pleasant Chamber of Commerce .)
Columbia , Tennessee , population 1960 , 17,504 . Elevation 651 leet . On Duck River . Founded 1807 . Incorporated 1819 . County seat of Maury . ( Population 41,000 ). One of the richest diversified agricultural , livestock counties in famous Middle Tennessee blue-grass basin , noted for livestock because of rich phosphatic limestone soil . Striking example of adjustment of agricultural county to industry . Industry now produces 76 % of wealth . Greatest producer of elemental phosphorus in United States in 14 huge , multi-Million dollar electric furnaces .
Biggest user of TVA power for private industry . Greatest producer of carbon and graphite electrodes in United States . Calcium phosphate strip mining , third in United Stales . Mining began in 1890 . Industrial upsurge , 1935 . County plant payrolls now § 22,000,000 annually , an increase of 250 % since 1950 .
Forty-five plants in County , with 5,000 employees , producing cellulose sponges ( Du Pont ), elemental phosphorus ( Monsanto Chemical , Hooker Chemical , Victor Chemical ), carbon and graphite electrodes ( National Carbon Co .), shirts , sports and children ’ s clothing , dairy products , fertilizer ( Virginia-Carolina , Armour ), rock wool , flour , meal , nylon hose , building material , meats .
Ancestral home of James Knox Polk , 11th United Slates President . Also a fabulous mansion Rattle ’ n Snap restored , frequently featured as example of post Civil War cotton wealth . Got name from being sLake in dice game . No cotton here for over half cenLury .
Home of Columbia Military ' Academy , honor school , grades 5-12 and post-graduate , 475 students from most stales and some foreign countries , chiefly South America . Noted for annual “ Mule Day Festival ”, discontinued in 1950 after almost 110 years . No mules . Columbia once was largest street mule market in the world . Columbia changed hands repeatedly during the Civil War . General Nathan Bedford Forrest seriously wounded by irate junior officer in downtown building here . Columbia experienced frequent troop movements especially during build up for Battle of Franklin , 20 miles to North , the “ bloodiest
Columbia ' s National Spring Jubilee Draws Great Horses , Great Trainers , Great Owners
Columbia , Term .— early stamping ground of great saddle horses that proved to be progenitors of the modern Tennessee Walking horse — such as McMeen ’ s Traveler ( discussed elsewhere in this issue ) the Copperbottoms , the Hals , etc ., will be the scene of one of the great two-night shows of the breed on June 1-2 .
Lovely , comfortable , spacious Maury County Park will house this show in a magnificent natural bowl . Based upon the entries last year — the National Spring Jubilee will draw some of Lite great horses ridden by great trainers and by great amateur riders in one of the best early tests of the 1962 Tennessee Walking Horse season .
Sponsoring the show is the Maury County Horsemen ’ s Assn ., one of the nation s most active . On the Steering Committee for the National Jubilee are State Senator Joe T . Kelley , C . M . Pinkleton and Glenn A . Miller .
Judges will be : Walking Horses , Percy Moss of Bastrop , La ., who rode White Star to the World ’ s Grand Championship at the 1954 Celebration in Shelbyville ; Wink Groover of Etowah , Tenn ., who rode Golden Sundust to third place in the 1961 Celebration Grand Championship Stake and took the Gelding World Championship ; and Lawrence Snelson of
baule of the War .” ( Five dead Generals on one back porch .)
Before betting was discontinued near turn of century , Columbia was noted for breeding and racing trotting and pacing horses . " Pop ” Geers , Grand Old Man of Turf , famous on Grand Circuit , lived here . ( Monument ) . Famous blood lines native to Columbia are the Hal , the Direct , the Star and the Pointer horses . Tennessee Walking Horse breed developed from such lines here and in nearby counties years ago . National Tennessee Walking Horse Spring Jubilee held here annually in May and June .
Famous local mules came front same old stock and imported Spanish jacks .
First Jersey cattle imported into United Stales came to Maury County . Dairying , still important as is fine beef cattle . All thrive on phosphatic soil , which is also basis of much industry . ( 40 % phosphate related , 60 % un-related .)
Jackson , Tenn .; Gaited Horses , Ralph Carpenter or Clarksdale , Miss .
The association roster , as supplied by Mrs . Glenn Miller of Rt . 2 , Culleoka , Tenn ., secretary , includes :
Mr . and Mrs . A . M . Anderson , Mr . and Mrs . James L . Bailey and Suzanne , Mr . and Mrs . James T . Bell , Mrs . Jewell Bennett , Mr . and Mrs . Tom Bowman and Bonnie , Mr . and Mrs . Hubert Bratton , Mr . and Mrs . R . 1-1 . Bratton , Mr . and Mrs . Tennant Brown , Mr . and Mrs . Willie Brown , Ed Carrigan ;
Mr . and Mrs . Lewis B . Coleman , Mr . and Mrs . Roy Church , Mr . and Mrs . Jerry Colley , Mr . and Mrs . Burton Daimwood , Eldridge Denham , Mr . and Mrs . Mack Edwards , John Finney , Mr . and Mrs . Raymond Fite . Mr . and Mrs . Ulma Fite , Frank Fite , Elma Flowers , Dick Fraser , Fulton Fraser , Dr . C . D . George , Emmett Gilbreath , Mr . and Mrs . Earnest Graff , Jim Harlan , Mr . and Mrs . R . P . Harmon ;
Mr . and Mrs . W . F . Harmon , Mr . and Mrs . Floyd Harris , Mr . and Mrs . Lester Hickman , Mr . and Mrs . Hardin Hill , Mr . and Mrs . Wimpy Jones , Dr . and Mrs . Ogle Jones , Senator and Mrs . J . T . Kelley and Joe , Jr ., Mr . and Mrs . Fred Kennedy , Mr . and Mrs . Sam Kennedy , Mr . and Mrs . James E . King , Mr . and Mrs . Russell Lavender , Mr . and Mrs . Phillip Lemon , Mr . and Mrs . Marshall Ledbetter , Jr ., Mr . and Mrs . Marshall Ledbetter , Sr .;
Mr . and Mrs . Claude McDonald , Mr . and Mrs . A . E . McEwen and Jimmie , Mr . and Mrs . A . J . McKee and Pam , Mr . and Mrs . J . W . Meek , Martha and Olivia , Mr . and Mrs . Glenn Miller and Mary Kelley , Col . and Mrs . Arthur Nesbit , the Rev . and Mrs . Warden Iv . Novak , Mr . and Mrs . Norman Parks , Mr . and Mrs . C . M . Pinkleton , Mr . and Mrs . Granville Pinkston , Mr . and Mrs . Victor Rasbury ;
Mr . and Mrs . Albert Rowland and Randall , Dr . T . 1-1 . Reynolds , Mr . and Mrs . E . A . Sisco , Mr . and Mrs . Arnold Smith , Tommie and Teresa , Mr . and Mrs . I . L .. Sewell , Mr . and Mrs . Frank Sowell , Bunny and Tony , Mr . and Mrs . Ulma Swann , Mr . and Mrs . Donald Scott and Donna Kay , Dr . and Mrs . Bob C . Thompson , Mr . and Mrs . Harry Tyler , Mr . and Mrs . Leslie While , Mr . and Mrs . Jimmie Walters , Mr . and Mrs . Neal Woll .