1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 March Voice | Page 9

Go Boy ' s Shqdow ' s Price Rqises Vqlues Of Breed
We Accept Chollenge
Voice of the Tennessee Wolking Horse

Go Boy ' s Shqdow ' s Price Rqises Vqlues Of Breed

Jivery Tennessee \\ -alking Horse in America " gained in stature ," and
" inched uprrards in financial value " when Go Bo-v ' s Shaclorv soid for an all-time recorcl price on \ or '. 28 at Shelbl ' r ' ille , Tenn . Tire exact figure was not announced but it is authoritatively knou-n to have exceeded $ 55 , -
000 . But the basis of values was raised by the nel ' higher price .
That 555,0011 has been the announced lecord price paid by C . C .
Turnel ot Broadrvay , Va . in 1948 for Shaclorr " s sire-the noted Merry Go
Bor ' -then a Champion of the Worlcl at age four-due to repeat in the 1948
\ ational Celebration . \ ote the Merry Go Boy price was lor a " performing show horse ." The price for Shadow was for a horse itanding only at service as a sire .
H . C . Bailey , Jackson , Miss . financier and real estate man , immediately took Shadow to his Bailey Stables at
Jackson and announced he would stand there during the 1962 season . Later Eddie Wiser , son of the late trainer , \\ Iinston \ 4 / iser , joined the Baileys on Feb . I and took over supervision of Shadorv . He also took along LBJ ' s Black Shadow-the Tennessee
Walking yearling given at the 196l
Celebration to I ' Irs . Lyndon B . Johnson , wife of the Vice President of the
United States . Eddie has been breaking the colt ancl will train him for l , ady Bird .
The Baileys are relatively new in the Tennessee Walking Horse business- " getting ir-rto it two years ago because of their three children ." They already have a sizable collection of mounts and young horses in training .
Although still regarded as a young sire , Shadow has achieved a startling
record as a father of champion horses . Among his progeny are :
Shadow ' s H eadman , 3-year-old rt ' orld ' s champion in lg60 ; Red Ace ;
IIy ' NIerry Shadorv ; Shadorv ' s Blaze ; Go Shadon Bol '; Shaclorr " s Celebration ; Shado . rr- ' s Dreamboat ; Shadow ' s Blueprint ; Shadorr ' s Trouper ; and three 196l Celebration title winners-Shadow ' s Jet , a walking pony ;
Go Boy ' s Shadow Rocket ; Shadow ' s Untouchable .
Shadow himself swept the Celebration World ' s Championship Stake in 1955 as a 3-year-old and repeated
in 1956 , then retired to stud .
He was foaled on Dr . Porter Rodgers ' famous farm at Searcy , Ark .,
$' here two other rvorld ' s champions were born . His dam was N { erry Walker , mother of Rodgers ' Perfection ,
1959 world ' s champion , and the only mare to foal two world ' s title winners . Wiser bought the horse from Dr .
Rodgers as a 4-month-old colt and soon sold a half-interest to L . H . Padgett of \, Varrace and Miami , Fla . In 1960 Wiser bought out the Padgett interest .
The Baileys bought the stud from the Wiser estate with Mrs . Katherine \ Viser and children , Eddie , Bobbie
and .| udy Wiser , the sellers . Go Boy Shadow ' s complete pedigree follows : Sire : N { erry Go Boy , by Merry Boy , by Roan Allen F-38 , by Allan F-l out
of Birdie N { essick F-84 ; Merry Boy ' s dam Nlerry Legs by Allan F-l out of
Nell Dement F-4 :. Merry Go Boy ' s dam Wiser ' s Dimples by Giovannia , by Dandy Jim ( ASR ) out of Francesa ( ASR ) ; Wiser ' s Dimples ' dam Wisers '
Minnie by Allan F-l out of Wiser ' s Molly .
Dam : Merry Walker by Merry Boy by Roan Allen F-38 , by Allan F-l ;
Merry Boy ' s pedigree as above ; Merry \ Valker ' s dam Earthman ' s Queen Mary by Directum J . F-71 , by Chambertin out of Argot Belle ; Earthman
Queen ' s dam Romina Heir by Minot
Heir ( A . T . R .) out of Gleaves Gentry .
( Continued lrom Page 3 ) ( Fiditor ' s Note-Cecil , I hope to havc a training book out rvithin eight rnonths . You rvill say it is just what you wanted . You ' rvill hear more about that soon . BAG .)
W . L . Perkinson , 264 Roebuck Dr ., Birmingham 15 , Ala ., mailed in subscriptions for himself and friends and added : " I am looking every day for
196l Celebration Brochure to add to my book , and also to the time when the magazine goes to press .
" I am a nati \ -e Tennessean . I keep a small stable of pieasure ancl blood 1r1ares . ancl " placecl " nro ri-eanling fillies in the Futuritl ' last September .
I wish you much success in this much needed ventule . ( Editor ' s Note-I notice your Let Me Go
Girl placed seventh and Angel ' s Dawn was renth in the Futurity ' s Weanling Filly Class . That is fine . The Futurity in 196l set all kind of records for numbers and calibre of competition . It is a far more important event than most folks give it credit for being . Your participation shows me vou know your Tennessee Walking Horse .
I used to live in Birmingham on Milner ( Continued on Page Il )
We Accept Chollenge
( Continued from Page 5 ) of them with the plan ro produce some " pleasure horse ";
If you have any horses available
now for this " vast pleasure horse market ," offer them for sale ; advertise them every way vou can ; a good way is through an inexpensive classified ad in the Voice ; we will give you a pipeline directly to the people in this
Pleasure Horse Market ;
Join any Tennessee Walking llorse
Association that is geographically close enough to you to furnish any
encouragement at all ; these associations are all good and they are growing ; the Voice wants to print a regisuy of them in every issue as a news item ; officials are asked to give us names of their associations , president ' s name , secretary ' s name , and both addresses ;
Nlake sure you will get this Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse and keep a file of the copies in a binder ; you will want every copy ; every issue will have a wealth of material that will make you enjoy your horses more ; urake you understand more about the breed ; and incidentally they will make you money ;
If you do not have ready access to the Biography of the Tennessee Walking Horse , write to the Voice Editor and get one for $ 7 . 50 ; make sure your public library has one ( a book will bc
mailed to any public library at a special rate of g5 for library use ) ;
You must know about this breed to answer questions about the Tcnnessee Walking Horse ; people want to know what makes this breed tick ; they want
to know why we claim it is the World ' s Greatest Pleasure Horse ; that book has the ansnreLs .
But , I { r ' Fliends , the book , the bleed , the Pleasure Horse Market-all lvill amount to little unless YOU do something about it . Nobody alse is going to Do Your Work in this great fight for the Market , fight for recognition , fight for the hearts of potential Horse People in this country . Moneywise , it can be your Gold Mine In The Sky . But you must reach for it .
Nothing can be done for )/ ou-except to tell you these things . You must do the rest . God speed you to the task .
Thanks for reading .