1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 March Voice | 页面 5

Beloved Belindq-The Chompion Cinderellq Beouty Of The Yeqr
Voice of the Tennessee Wolking Horse

Beloved Belindq-The Chompion Cinderellq Beouty Of The Yeqr

" Even the cowbol ' s l ' ent rvild " on a Saturday afternoon aL the Fort
Worth Livestock Exposition and Stock Show when Beloved Belinda worked out in the exercise ring . Later thousands joined them in hurrahs as she won the 4-Year-Old and up Tennessee \ Valking Mare Class , and served notice she is reigning as Queen of the Breed in the fir ' e-r ' ear-oid bracket .
Her performance so early in the season was called a re-run of her race
to the \\' orld Championship Mare throne at the l96l Tennessee Walking
Horse Celebration at Shelbyville ,
Tenn . " Even faster than last year ," declared spectators who saw her in
1961 triumphs and again at Ft . Worth .
Trainer-Rider Sam Paschal of NIurfreesboro , Tenn ., says she ' s faster than ever-smarter than ever-and better than ever . That ' s going a long rva , v . Last year she placed 4th in the Celebration Grand Championship Stake despite an epidemic of shoe trouble .
Belinda is a proved champion mare . She proved herself in 1960 with the
3-year-old title of the rvorld among
mares just l0 months after she left her home pastule as a pleasure horse .
In 1961 she took mare classes at the Celebration ; in Dallas ; at the Kansas
City American Royai where she also took stake honors ; at Baton Rouge ' s Dixie Jubilee ; at Montgomery ' s Southern Championship and at a host of other shows .
The speckled grey horse is great today-but the greatest story is about where she came from , why she is sometimes called " The Cinderella F { orse " or " Sleeping Beauty ."
' Ihat story parallels some other fantastic srories o [ the breed-told in the history book about the Tennessee Walking Fforse , compiled by the Edit . or oi this magazine .
Why a Cinderella ?
Why Cinclerella ?
The answer is simple . She hacl the simple origin of Cinderella , she rvas " broke as a 2-r ' ear-old pleasule horse ." not thought of as a srar- ar anv ball ( shon ') . Then came along Sam Paschal u ' ho took this Cinderella-sleepins
Beauty in hand , ancl look where ' shE is today . Not long ago her owner , Miss Gene
Wild of Sarcoxie , Missouri , reporredlv turned down a $ 30,000 offer fbr herand she has received other bids . Belinda ' s amazing b a c k gr o u n d story , as related by Paschal and others , presents this picture . ller mother , Youree ' s Grey Lady , was bred by E . H . Padgett of Warirace , sired by Top Wilson out of June
tseau _ ty , _ a granddaughter of the superspeedy Giovanni . As a yearling she was traded to C . O . Barker of Readyville in Cannon County , Tenn ., for ' a reported Sl7 .
Barker sold her to Marland Summers of near Murfreesboro for $ 40 as a work horse . He used her to make crops on his farm and teamed her
with a mule to take his wagon to town . FIe did not breed the mare .
The iate Irving S . Bugg of near N ' Iur-freesboro bought Grey Lady and bred her to Paschal ' s Little Nlerrv Bov , a son of the great Olcl } Ierry Boy out o [ Salll ' \\' eaver . Paschal took the stailion to the Bugg farm rvhere he bred Youree ' s Grey Lady .
Breeding took place X , Iarch 14 , 1957 . Elelen months later she foaled a grey filly rvho immediately became Irving ' s
Grey Lady . That was Belinda ' s first
Iegistered name .
Ernest Bugg , son of Irving , broke the filly as a 2-year-old pleasure horse
with no thought of her true destiny in the show ring .
Bought tor # 4OO
Paschal and Charley Martin visited the Bugg farm , and bought her for
$ 400 .
Martin rode the horse from Oct . 25 ,
1959 to April l , 1960 . Paschal began to ride her and no other person has been on her back since that April date , according to this vetcran trainer . She was beaten only twice as a
3-year-old . By Celebration time that
September ( 1960 ) she was good enough to win the 3-year-old mare World ' s championship . She went on
Io win the . f rrnior stake at the American Roy : rl in Kansas City , Mo . Her leap h ' om pastul ' e to this championship recalls the amazing records of
Strolling Jim ancl Havnes Peacock , earlv Celebration champions of the
rtor ' 1cl .
Ir l-as ar Kansas Citv in 1960 that I { iss Wild sar ' v BetindJ perform in a preliminary . She went home rhat night and told her parents , Mr . and Mrs . Allen Wild , " I want that horse ." They said " buy her then ."
So she did , the very next day-and she was Belinda ' s owner when she won the Junior Stake ar that show . In 196l Miss Wild owned the World Champion Mare when Belinda won this Celebration event as a 4-year-old .
Her- p . arents are said to be among the
world ' s greatest growers of flor ,, r = erswith 500 Missouii acres in peonies
aIone .
She Will ' 6SelIHorse {'
Beloved Belinda ' s l962 season is certain to make history , to thrill manv thousands and also to " sell horses . i ' ( The Editor of the Voice received a letter last year from arr Illinois woman who said she bought a Tennessee
Y ' u . l | ilg Horse because she gor such a thrill from seeing Beloved Eelinda at
Kansas City . lt-there is one , rhere must be many .)
The . great Grey Queen with the tomantic name ( coined by paschal ) stands l5 hands , 3 inches ; w ' eigns t , t7S pounds ; has an unsurpasseci- personality ; loves to hit the runnin $ walk .
She reminds veteran Walking- Horse Iovers _ of the grear Honey Gold , 3- year-old Mare " World Chimpion in the 1947 Celebration for W . M . Dutrcan of Inverness , Miss , That mare sold for a reported 930 , 000 .
Sam Paschal says he will provc that
Beloved _ Belinda , the daughter of a
Sl7 moth^er , the pleasure horse bought off the field , will be the " greaiest show mare ever known for th ' e Tennessee Walking-Holse breed . " She appears to be on her way .
One other point , Belinda ' s background , as shown by her pedigree , sltows superior bloodlines that riake Io1 _ 9 ! aqpions . Ffele is her heritage : SIRE : Little Merry Boy , by Merrv- Bov . by Roan Allcn F-38 , by ' AIlair f-t ' out of Gertrudc F-84 : Merrl ' Bor ' s dam . Merl .
Legs l ' -4 by Allan F-l out bt Nett Dement ';
Little Merry Boy ' s dam . Sally Weaver , bv Brown Allen , by Hunter ' s Allen F-10 out o ?
Mary _ McD _ aniel ( great granddaughter
' lom of Hal I ' -20) ; Sally \ VEavcr ' s dam , Nell Weav-c1 ,.. by no9 ' 9 ClieJ F-35 out of a daughter of Night Rider I ' -36. f ) AM : Yourec ' s Grey . l , ady by ' l ' op \ Vilson . by IVilson ' s Allen . by Roan ' All ' en F- ' 38 orrr <, 1 llilclic Mcssit k l-t { 6 : ' I ' op Wilson ' s tlanr .
Sadie by Doc out of princess Hudclleston ; Crey Lady ' s datn ,. ftrne llcarrry by fravellins IIan , by Giovanrri orrr of Cbldie ; Tuni I3eauty ' s darn . Jtrne Fr . ench , by \ Vil ' son ' s -{ 1len .
Cecil H . James , 4167 Del Rosa Drive , Jackson , Miss ., says :
" I was one of the firsr to buy your
Biography of the Tennessee Walking Horsc . I have enjoyed it to the fullesi extent . If you have anything else on the Walking . Iforse I would greatly appreclate lt ."
( Continued on page 7 )