1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 March Voice | Page 3

Voice of the Tennessee Wolking Horse


Ntr | t lEl of the
Tennessee Walking Horse
Brx A . Gnrns .... P ublislter-Editor
Mns . BEN A . Gntur . ..... Secretury OFFICE-SHELBY \ -ILLE, TENN . ( This rnonthly rnagazinc is dcilicaiecl to the rvelfarc of thc Tcnnessec Walking Horse breed for shorc and plcasure .) OUR AIII-7 ' o nteintain a tern ( t1ent bublication tltat uill merit tlte lull tuPport of all who loue tlte ' l ' ennessee llalking Hotse . Voice of the Tennessee \ Valking Horse is orvned bt Ben A . Grecn end \ lri . Bcn A . Creen , Slrclbyville , Tenn ., arrd its editorial contents can be used for rc-publication bv anl pcrson or firm provided proper credit is giren and the magazine is correctly quoted , Voice of the Tennessce Walking Horse is publishcd monthll ar 1ll0 South Brittain St ., Shelbyvillc , f-cnn . Scnd all subscription paymcnts and advertising payrncnts ro Bcn A . Green , Shelbyville , Tenn ,
Subscriprion Price ; $ 4 per year ; single copy
S0 aentr

. 1 Purro ," o [ f-nuun

Dear Friends :
This article , an editoral-letter , is the most important piece of r ' r ' riting in this first issue of the Voice of the Tennessee \, Vaiking llorse .
It is essential that you read this and understancl this if ), ou are to enjoy this magazine , profit by this mag ; azine , ancl help it n ' in a place in the Publication \'\ rollcl related to horses .
First you must understand this is a
BREED IIACAZINE . The [, ditor has sought to study some 25 or morc other breed publications so he can kno ' l ' v their mission . Every bleed magazine
I have studied is Totallv Diflerent from the several societl , ltype horse publications that deal almost exclusively with horse shows ancl shor , r , horses-and lareely lvith the social
phases o [ thcse happenings . Breed publications do not do that .
They make no attempt to cover all or rnost of the shows with clescriptive rnaterial . They lirnit show nervs to l ' acts , often bare results and somc
make virtually no refcrence to shows .
The Voicc of the Tennessee \ Valking Hclrse hopes to hclp promotc shol ' s BEFORE they happen , ancl to
nrge attenclance . But \ re c : rnnot llo1le to covel ' anl consiclelabie numbel ol them . for one thing . onr- copl cleaclline is a fr-rll month before publication
date . Ancl there is no placc { or shor , v details becar-rse rre plan to find enough breerl inlor-mation , ancl hol ' -to-do-it materials , and definite Tennessee
Walking Horse promotion storics to fill our paees . Of course , being bascd at Shelbyville-acknorvledged Tennessee \ Aralking Florse Capital of the World-we rti1l seek to let evervone know all facts
about the Tennessee Walking Florse Ceiebration . It is always held every year so that the final Saturday night
show takes place thc first Saturday in September . At the moment the Cclebration lasts six days-but there are inclications it may be lengthened .
Hundleds upon hundreds o [ lettels have comc to me h ' om Charter Subscribers to this magazine . They give vast encouragement . T-hey express much faith . They voice great need for this type of magazine . And often they show disappointment because a magazine of this character has not alreadv existecl . \ A / e hope to satisfy all of thesl :
Iriends-to satisfy them so completely that they will tell others-help us build a largc cilculalion .
Circulation is the first essential . You
can help us reach the people-and the Voice of the Magazine rvill help the
breed . lVe personally are cledicatecl ro rhis cause . We ask for your understanding at all times ..\ Are urge your questions , your suggestions , your complaints that can make us please you more .
This magazine is the No . I move of the [ clitor to ] aunch a real crusade
1or the general appreciation of the
Tenncssee \ 4 ' a lking Horse in all its pllases . I ' hat crrrsade is outlined in detail in the only book evel printed under : hard covers about this horse
breecl . The book is Biography of the
Tcnrressee Walking Holsc , by Ben A . Green , Shelbyville , Tenu . Unless you read this book , there will be much in this magazine-issue after issue-that you surely cannot appreciate fully .
The Editor especially appreciates a lcttcr from Gov . tsuford Ellington of ' fennessee-a Tennessee W a I ki n g I { orse owner ancl lover of the brecd .
He says :
" Dea , r Br : n :
" As n 7-en , ne . ssre lVallting Horse ouurrer and . adntirer , I was t2leasetl to Iearn ol y , oLrr plarts to publish u . ntagazirte dr : i , rttacl to irnprot , etnettt of [] te brecd .
'' I ant . sure tlmt I ( alking Horse uutterc itt all pat ts oI llte cottntry uill uelcottte tltis tteu pttblirution and tlte opporttr , nity it ofiers for keeping nbrea . st of new deaelopments in , thii tremendous industry . Yout intim , ate lutowled , ge of the industry and you , r location in Shelbyaille should , combitte to prorlrtcc a fine ntagazi tte .
Sincerel . y ,
( Si gned ) Buford Ellingtetn "

Dr . McForlond Cites

Pleqsure Horse Boom

As Greqt 0pportunity

, - ( Reprintcd Irorn thc Shclbyvillc , Tenn . -Iimcs_ ( iazette , Ircb . 1,1 , 196 ?)
The Tennessee lValking Hoi . se has " arr enormorrs " stake in th1 fast-risine " pleasure horse boom " that is srrreinE
in suburbs ol grear -\ mericrn , irrtcrj and every ingredient is mixed anrl ready f <, rr a slorvine Dr . ostrt . r . itv in 1962-63 . awair ing thc " himari clemenr to make it all come true , said Dr .
Kenner h C . IlcFarlanrl Srrntlar nislrr .
l ' eb . 12 , ro an overflow throng ol ' 500 diners at the Nlid-South Flors " e Shows Association convention ir-r Jackson , Tenn .
' Ihe speaker , introduccd as America ' s . most sorrght-aftci public ol . atol .. hcld his audience lor . 90 [ ast-ralkirre minutes-sr , r ' cpr them wirh Iaughtei and tears-and in rhe end ieli ' the hundreds ready ro fight the Rrrssians
" rt ' ith bare hands " at ant srrfficicnt provocation . Dr . Mcl ' arlincl terminated his remarks . r , l ' ith phrases from his
-'. Citjzcnshio natiorrally [ amous Sge5cli " bur rhe carlicr . parrs ( leair with horses , horse shows , * ancl horsemen and horse women .
Dr . Nlcl-arland , owner of famous Tenncssee Walking Horses riclden bv his daughrer Kay io worlcl ' s chamni ' - onships , rold hor , r ' his familv do , pushed inro rhe horse busines tiy ini , rlaughter . He prcdictetl marry Lthei . thousands oI faririlies will be intrisued into it rhc same way . Ancl h . cille . l upon " horsc people '' to takc notice ol the children ' beiause thcy offer rlrc promise of tr-rmclrow
Citing a _ Wall Street Journal page I article ? f .. 1u .". 24 , I \ iZ , the speiker declared it is almost unprcceilentecl for this business newspapcl- to tuin o \ el ' l ) ase I rlracc to a lror . se stor . v .
He calletI iL lrighly significant-prool of the ereat lise ih horse popuiar . itv in the heavily populared irdu , thai are becomins ".\ nrel . i (. a ' s Subur . bia ."
T ' he Journal articlc tells of a harness firm doubling busincss sirrce 1958 , a shortage of blacksmiths in Atlanta ,
288,000 suburban lamilics ownins holscs , with plcasrrrc horses rrumbering 1,300,000 as compared with onc million in 1958 .
" Th _"
- growth in riding as a spol-r fol ordinarv people has literally 6een
( Cotttinued on Pnge 2l )