Grqtitude Expressed
By Editor Green
Hqrold Wise Sees Greqlest Yeqr Ever For The Wolking Horse
Show Dqtes
Voice of the Tennessee Wolking Horse 27
Grqtitude Expressed
By Editor Green
Dear Friends :
This is being rr-ritten after we " laid out " the dummv of Yol . 1 , No . I of the \ -oice of thi : Tennessee Walking I { orse . \\' e stood back and looked at the dummr '. It looked really great to us . \\ -e hofe it is really great-to you .
A great surge of ap pr e ci a tion coursed through my whole body , starting l ' ith the heart and going through mv leins like the blood they bore . ^ { ppreciation to people like Trainer
Sam Paschal , who arranged for two full-page ads of Beloved Belinda and Ebonr ' lfasterpiece , and took a good ad himself ; to Joe Wright of Nagadoches , Texas , whom I have never
met but he sent me a full-page ad based on congratulations and horse appreciation ; to Dr . Porter Rodgers who volunteered a page at a dinner table while in Jackson , Tenn .;
To Harold M / ise at Lewisburg for a page ad on his great Murray l ' arm
Sale ( paicl in advance too ) ; to S . W . Beech , Jr ., for a page about the great sire at his barn-Merry Go Boy ; to
H . C . Baile , v of Jackson , Miss . for a page about his great young sire-Go Boy ' s Shador . r ';
To Billy Hale of Gallatin , Tenn . and to Gene Wild of Sarcoxie , Mo .,
owners of Ebony Masterpiece and Beloved Belinda respectively ; to J .
Lewis of R .
Georgetown , O . -owner of Mighty Sun-whom I would not recognize on the street as I have never met this gentleman ; to Secretary Tom Fulton of the Breeders ' Assn . at Lewisburg , and his capable office staff members for their cooperation ; to Steve
Hill for his training article ;
And to all the others , rugged Pearl Tompkins of Montana ; the Habigs of Indiana ; the Millers of North Dakota ; the I \{ cKenzies of West Virginia ; to C . C . Richard of Wartrace ; to Fred Phillips of my own home town ; and
to Dr . Tom Gorsuch of Virginia rvho has alreadv reserr-ed ( and paid for ) a half-page in mv pre-Celebratioir issue of August .
All these people helped mightily in making this issue what it is . Without them , it could not have been . But above all I thank John B . Curley . In
November he said , " I will furnish the
stationery if you are willing to gamble and send out the letters asking for
subscribers ."
I replied , " John , I have been gambling since the start . That ' s why I
Hqrold Wise Sees Greqlest Yeqr Ever For The Wolking Horse
The 42nd Murray Farm Sale of
Tennessee Walking Horses-April 19- 20 at Lewisburg , Tenn ., " should be the greatest sale of its kind ever held in the history of this breed ," declared Owner Harold Wise of the Murray Farm Stables in an interview with the Voice Editor .
" Our name ' The Old Reliable ' has never been more accurate than this year ," said Wise as he pointed to a flood of letters from horse owners
wanting to consign their stallions , mares and colts to this great auction .
" We will have every kind of horse a person can want and use-and we will offer them at auction in an unsurpassed opportunity for the buyer ,"
Wise continued .
" I have personally bought the Murray Stables and home-the area where the sale is held but not including all the big Murray farm ," Wise pointed out . " Every effort will be made to imp ro ve this operation r , r ' hetever chance for improvement appears .
" We will have Tennessee Walking F { orses available to fit every occasion .
The horses will range from colts to finished show horses . As you know we also have some pleasure horses available for bidding ," he pointed out .
" We invite interested parties to write to us for catalogues ancl also to ask us to make motel reservations for them . Nothing will be left out in providing accommodations for all persons who want to take advantage of this opportunity .
mortgaged my house and life insurance to get that Biography of the Tennessee Walking llorse printed .
Both are still mortgaged and I have out a second edition ." So I took the last $ 500 out of my
Book Fund to get stamps for those
9,000 letters John provided for me .
Many hundr eds have subscribed . That ' s horv this magazine started . \\ -ith lour help it n ' ill never stop .
T h a n k s , many thanks , BEN A . GREEN .
Show Dqtes
At the annual Mid-South Horse Shows Assn . meetin € i on Feb . 12 at
Jackson , Miss ., a total of ll3 horse shows were listed with tentative dates .
Shows to June I included :
April 7-Columbus , Ga .
April l4-Stone Mountain , Ga .
" There is a great increase in Tennessee Walking Horse popularity and enthusiasm of owners ," Wise went on . " We have been in the business for more years than we care to boast about-and never before have prospects been so promising for a great horse show season ." Wise pointed out that the i \{ urray
Farm Sale has been regarded throughout the nation as a sale " where the customer can buy with confidenceand this applies to every customer ."
It was established more than 25 years ago by the late Jimmy .| oe Murray , master promoter of the breed .
Jack Warren , veteran trainer who rode W . T . Baynard ' s Fascinating
Rhythm to fifth place in the 196l
Celebration Grand Championship Stake , is associated with Wise in operation of the Wise & Warren Stables at Lewisburg-and also in carrying on the Murray Farm Sale .
At the Murray Stables themselves a training barn is maintained by Buddy Black , who rode Go Boy ' s Big Talk to second place honors in the 1961
Celebration J u n ior Championship
( for 3 years old ) for owners Cummings and Orton of Fayetteville , Tenn . and Carruthersville , Mo .
Information on Murray Farm Sale can be secured from Wise & Warren Stables , P . O . Box 291 , Lewisburg . The Wise & Warren Stables phone is Lewisburg EL 9-4940 . Wise ' s home phone is
EI- 9-1058 and Warren ' s 1 : hone number is EL 9-3611 .
April 2l-Lanett , Ala .; \ rest Point , Ga .;
Nlobile , Ala . 2l-22 .
April 26-29-New Orleans , La .
April 28-Rock Mart , Ga .
May 2-Lawrencevil le , Ga .
May 4-Lcbanon , Tenn ., ( American Legion ) ; Union , Miss .; Sornmelville , Tenn .; Grecnsbolo , N . C . 4-ir-6 . Mav ir-Barnesville , Ga .; Houston , Tex . ( Edge
Park ) ; l { eridian , Miss . ]{ ar . 9-Beaumont , Tex . 9-10-ll-12 . \ Iar l2-Dalton , Ga .; Alexander City , Ala . tr { ay 16-Little Rock , Ark . 16-17-18-19 . rllay l8-Mendenhall , Miss .; Clarksville , Tenn .
Muy l9-Gallatin , Tenn .; Opelika , Ala .; Brentwood , Tenn . May 23-Oklahoma City 23-24-25-26 . May 24-Batesville , Miss . 24-25 . May 25-Fredonia , Ky .
Nfay Z6-Shelbyville ( P-TA ), ' Ienn .; Monticello , Ga .; Whitehaven , Tenq .
X { ay 29-Tulsa , Okla ., 29-30-31 , June l-2 .
May 3l-Holly Grove , Ark .
Jnne l-Tulsa , Okla . l-2 ; Colurnbia , T ' enn . l-2 ; Jackson , Mo .