Two Messages For The Christmas Season
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse 1
Two Messages For The Christmas Season
Good Christian People : —
Tliis month we will remember the birth of our Lord and Saviour . A- midst the hustle and bustle of the Yuletide Season we may forget Jesus did not come in the tinkling of bells or on Santa ’ s sleigh . He came as an infant and was born in a stable made by hewing out rock in the Palestine countryside . No regal pomp for this King .
My family has been blessed by the gift of a child . Think of all the precautions we take so that our children do not catch colds . No drafts , keep warm , sterilize their bottles and dishes , give them vitamins , and then there are the shots . All of this so that they will not catch cold . Jesus had no such nursery and no sterile hospital . The damp winter weather in a cave-like stable was his place of birth .
Life expectancy was low in His day . Life was filled with dangers which we have avoided . All of this is to say that for God to take upon himself human flesh in the form of a small child , a baby , was a risky thing . It took confidence in Mary and Joseph . It took adventure . It took love .
The meaning of this birth was not readily apparent . Perhaps some knew of its significance , but many did not . The wise men came from afar — no from near . Simeon and Anna knew , shepherds knew , Mary and Joseph knew , and angels knew . That ’ s not very many . And even these did not foresee that this birth would lead this child to the death upon the Cross for our salvation .
Perhaps as we look at our Christmas trees , as we unwrap our presents , as we sit beside our warm fires , we may see the risk which God took to show forth His love . Perhaps we may know anew the cost of our salvation which was given to us . Perhaps we shall gain a glimpse of that love for this world which allowed such a risk and which lead to the Cross . Perhaps we will see the courage and we shall take up this mission , with all of its risk and danger . We need this Christian courage and purpose in this day and our Lord says , “ Even so send I you ’’ to proclaim this love and this salvation . This is my prayer for you , that we may know in our hearts the
Dear Walking Horse Enthusiast :
For many years Christians and non- Christians alike have joined in the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus Christ into the world fraught with poverty , trouble , war , dissension and mistrust . The situation is very much the same and the players have very much the same roll year after year , through the scenery has changed from time to time . At the first Christmas there was much preparation and excitement for the Messiah who would ride a fine creature fit for a king .
Yet we know that Mary and Joseph rode a lowly donkey to Bethlehem , for there was no majestic horse on which they could ride . Later , Jesus rode into Jerusalem triumphantly on the same type of animal , giving great recognition to this beast of burden . In both instances the means of travel were not high even though the celebrations were and are celebrated as the events before the other events of such importance in His ministry here on earth , that of Christmas and Easter .
As we celebrate Christ ' s coming , let us remember to give thanks to Almighty God for the gift of His Dear Son asking that He might give us the Grace to prepare His way in a more regal manner . Let us remember His coming as we celebrate with our vast resources that Fie has given to us and pray that His Spirit may dwell among us in a world that is still fraught with poverty , trouble , war , dissension and mistrust . Let us pray that He might help us to prepare a suitable place in our hearts and that He might enter into this celebration in a manner befitting the King of Glory and the Prince of Peace .
May God bless you this Christmas and may He guide you in the coming year with the fruits of His Joy , His Peace , and His Love .
Faithfully , The Rev . Duff Green , Memphis , Tenn .
love of God and that we may show it forth in courageous Christian love .
God bless you and I wish you the joy of Christmas .
Your fellow servant in Christ , Bruce Green , Copperhill , Tenn .
Dear Friends :
I wish to express my gratitude to many for the wonderful letters , cards and other expressions received by me from persons who had placed prepublication orders for my training book project —“ Trainer Steve Hill and the Tennessee Walking Horse .”
In October it became necessary for me to discontinue my project for this book — my Doctor advising that my condition of health would not permit me to complete it . The book will not be published .
My wife and I mailed hundreds of letters to pre-publication purchasers — refunding their remittances .
My health has improved since that time — although I am by no means fully recovered .
My wonderful wife — Mary Frances — has carried on in a most helpful way , and I deeply appreciate the forebearance and understanding of all you friends .
At this Yuletide Season , we give grateful and prayerful thought to our many advertisers and subscribers who so generously contributed to the growth and development of our Magazine .
The Tennessee Walking Horse World is noted for its friendships made in a common interest . Lovers of the Tennessee Walking Horse feel a kinship , friendship and understanding difficult to gain without this sensitive animal as the connecting link .
In this issue are Christmas messages we requested from our twin sons who are Episcopal ministers in Copperhill , Tenn . and Memphis , Tenn . I deeply appreciate their responses at this time .
May this Christmas Season and Approaching New Year bring something to every one of you that is extra special — something that will contribute to Flappiness in all its meaning . Thank you sincerely , Ben A . Green , Shelbyville , Tenn .