1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 December Voice | Página 25

Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse 23 The New No. 16 Nail Everyone HAS BEEN LOOKING FOR This Photo Actual Size—4 Inches "For Want of a Nail the Shoe Was Lost, "For Want of a Shoe the Horse Was Lost, "For Want of a Horse the Rider Was Lost; Correction Made in Mare’s Registration Mark McMinn of 3004 Brookside Drive, Columbia, Term., says his ownership of a horse was incorrectly listed in the October issue of the Voice. He says here is the correct reg­ istration: “Mack’s Darling, m, by Mack’s Lucky Boy, out of Darling Jill, foaled April 22, 1961. Owner, Mark McMinn, Columbia, Tenn.” (It was listed under a different Columbia name.) First Walking Horse Arrives in Bermuda “Because of an ad I saw in your magazines, I now own Ad’s Golden Monarch,” writes M. Ralph Terceira —operator of Boundary Body Shop, North Shore, Smith’s Parish, Ber­ muda. The two-year-old horse was due to arrive on the Queen of Bermuda on Oct. 29, Ralph wrote. “To the best of my knowledge, in fact I have checked, this will be the only Walker on the island,” he con­ tinues. I now own Quarter Horses, and I use Western gear. “I weight 250 pounds. Have always used rubber bits but pictures in your mag show long bar bits. The saddle always look too far back. I ride about 20 minutes at a time, 3 or 4 times a week. Whenever I can sneak away from owning and operating paint and body shop, and 29 taxicabs. (Note—seems that Ralph is break­ ing new ground with his Walker. A man of his weight should mean much to the breed in this brand new step. Much luck to him.) "For Want of a Rider the Battle Was Lost; "For Want of a Battle the Kingdom Was Lost." This Special Nail For Show Horses (Manufactured in Sweden) Is Available Only Through The BLUE RIBBON LEATHER CO. SHELBYVILLE, TENNESSEE BROODMARES AND YEARLINGS J. G. WALKER Wartrace, Tenn. Phone FU 9-6190