1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 December Voice | Page 17
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse
LADY PERFECTION, m, by Rhoda Allen’s Echo out of
Missouri Kate, foaled April 12, 1962. Owner, Floyd D.
Paul, Alton, 111.
SHORTIE’S SENSATION, s, by Shorties Pride out of
Little Miss Sue, foaled Aug. 4, 1962.
GO BOY’S LADY DIXIE, m, by Merry Go Boy out of
Dixie Nightcap, foaled April 9, 1962. Owner, K. C. Eitschen,
Rock springs, Ga.
SUN’S MIDNIGHT STORM, s, by Setting Sun out of
Majors Betty Marie, foaled Aug. 9, 1962. Owner, Mrs. Grady
Thornton, Palmetto, Fla.
HELEN'S FANCY LADY, m, by Midnights Merry Boy L.
out of Merry’s Lucky Lady foaled May 16, 1962. Owner,
Leon Burrow, St. Louis, Mo.
MIDNIGHT’S BEE, s, by Midnights Merry Boy L. out of
Rip-A-Lick, foaled May 20, 1962. Owner, Fran Bolona, St.
Louis. Mo.
QUEEN ELIZABETH M.B.C., m, by Merry Boy’s Chance
out of My Merry Melody, foaled Feb. 3, 1960. Owner, R.
Tvre Jones, Canton, Ga.
MERRY SONG M.B.C.. in, by Merry Boy’s Chance out of
My Merry Melody, foaled April 10, 1961. Owner, R. Tyre
Jones, Canton Ga.
SPECIAL’S HUMDINGER, s. by Go Boy's Special out of
Lady Bird Mclvcr, foaled April 22, 1962. Owner, II. Pearl
Sain, Beil Buckle, Tenn.
STAR BOY THE SECOND, s. by Mack’s Star Light out
of Rambler’s Penny, foaled May 6, 1962. Owner, M. W.
Scott & Son, Lucedale, Miss.
PEOPLE'S CHOICE M., s, by Moon Glod Red Ace out of
Pacock’s Snow Maid, foaled July 10, 1962. Owner, Jiinbo
Mackey, Cedar Bluff, Ala.
MY STORMY KNIGHT, s, by Knight of Night’s out of
Ed's Dimple Wilson, foaled May 27, 1960. Owner, Mrs.
Dorothy C. Kelley, Columbia, Tenn.
WALKING TOM R.. s, by Flashy Snow King out of My
Betty Lou, foaled July 28, 1962. Owner, Dave Risner,
Ethridge, Tenn.
MY SNOW BEAUTY, m. by Flashy Snow King out of My
Mary Jones, foaled May 17, 1962. Owner, Dave Risner,
Ethridge, Tenn.
MY DELIA STAR. m. by Charlie Boy R. out of Ellen Rose,
foaled May 3, 1962. Owner, Dave Risner, Ethridge, Tenn.
MY SUN SET, m, by Charlie Boy R. out of Strawberry-
Rose R., foaled May 1, 1962. Owner, Wm. Summers. Pulaski.
SADIES BLACK MAN, s. by Dance’s Gypsy G. out of
Sadie May, foaled April 15, 1960. Owner, W. C. Terry, Cleve
land, Miss.
LADY MIDNIGHT C., m. by Major Bowes Son out of
Walking Maud Allen M.. foaled June 13, 1961. Owner,
Billy C. Cantrell, Smithville, Tenn.
MAJOR’S SUNSET, s, by Merry Major Wilson B. out of
Billy's Sue, foaled June 10. 1962. Owner, W. S. Hamilton,
Fayetteville, Tenn.
MAY’S MERRY BIRD, m, by Merry Boy’s Secret out of
Chigger Mae Allen, foaled May 20, 1962. Owner, J. F. May,
Hampton, Ky.
SATINS BAY BOY J., s, by Sun’s Black Satin out of Jayne
Meadows, foaled April 10. 1962. Owner, Warren Jenkins,
California, Mo.
MERRY WILSON ALLEN C.. s, by Merry MacAlvanni
out of Lib’s Miss Wilson, foaled May 11, 1962. Owner, M. L.
Crawford, Marion. Ala,
MIDNIGHT SILVER QUEEN, m, by Blue Midnight Boy-
out of Betty’s Go Girl, foaled Aug. 13, 1962. Owner, W. L.
Perkinspn, Birmingham, Ala.
LADY TRUEJET, m, by Sun’s Jet Parade out of Jerry
Baby, foaled June 19, 1962. Owner, L. A. Mosher Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
MACK K’S RETURN, s. by Midnight Mack K out of
Billy's Joy, foaled April 1, 1959. Owner, W. I-T. Linthicum,
Jr., High Point, N.C.
MY KING MERRY, s, by Desert Gold S. out of Warriors
Lena Horne, foaled June 12, 1961. Owner, T. H. Cornelius,
Albertville, Ala.
SUN’S GO FRITZ GO, s, by Go Boy’s Sun-Up out of Mid
night Merry Belle, foaled May 20, 1962. Owners, Mr. and
Mrs. II. E. McMullen, Rockville, lnd.
SHADOW’S ROYAL KING, s, by Go Boy’s Shadow out
Continued on page 16
Walking Horse. The Breeders’ Association grants them a
charter after the state of residence has granted the group
a charter to set up a non-profit corporation. The Breeders’
Association charter authorizes the group to carry on its
activities under regulations and stipulations set by the par
ent organization.
Q—What about the Breeders’ Association and the pleas
ure horse?
A—The Breeders’ Association is vitally interested in the
Tennessee Walking Horse as a pleasure animal. After all,
not every horse that’s born makes a show horse. We at the
Breeders’ Association have always stressed the point that
the Tennessee Walking Horse is the World’s Greatest Pleas
ure Horse. It is made For the Young and For the Old.
This horse is very docile in nature. It is gentle and very
easily trained and broken to ride. We have always stressed
the point that once you had this horse broken to ride and to
be used—you could get him out of the stable today and he
would give you a good ride—and you could go back to the
stable a week later and he would still give you a good ride;
he would be the same horse that you had ridden the week
He’s a horse that once you have him broke to his gaits, he
stays a gentle, docile animal. Of course, it is recommended
that the horse have an opportunity to exercise himself
regularly but he does not require constant training—once
he is broken and trained properly.
There are some breeds of horse where this is not the case.
We have letters from doctors all over the United States
attesting to the fact that “the greatest tonic in the world
is a ride on the back of a Tennessee Walking Horse.”
I guess we have more physicians and more doctors own
ing Tennessee Walking Horses than we have persons of any
other profession—represented in ownership of animals of
this breed.
How Do Registrations Compare?
Q—How does the Tennessee Walking Horse compare in
registrations of other breeds.
A—At this time the Tennessee Walking Horse is in
fourth place among the breeds registering horses’ but we
are first among the breeds listed as “show horses” not in
volved in racing. Registrations at this time (1962) show
the Thoroughbred first in numbers; Standardbred second
and Quarter Horse third.
We are a “show horse and a pleasure horse” and we have
been at the head of the list in registrations of show horses
for the past five years. We have been No. 1 in the registra
tions of show horses and pleasure horses in the United
States from 1957 through 1961—and surely we will be first
this year. Our registrations for 1961 totalled 3,650. Our
numbers are increasing steadily.
The 5-gaited horse, the walk-trot (3-gaited) horse, the
fine harness horse, represented by the American Saddlebred
Association—is next in line. I believe they registered about
2,200 horses in 1961, whereas we had 3,550. That gives you
a comparison with where the next horse breed stands.
Continued on page 16