1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 August Voice | Page 5
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse
(Continued from Page 2)
In Loving Memory Of Diana Stephens
great, versatile rider. She’d ride a
Walking Horse one day, 3 or 5-gaited
next, and that’s a lot for a 9-year-old.
A lot of people said most trainers
could not accomplish this.
Max won the first leg on a new
trophy on Diana’s horse last Saturday
at Benton.
Diana lived and breathed horses
constantly. The article in the paper
that she was writing, “What a Horse
Is to Me,” I found in her typewriter
unfinished, when we came home from
Germantown. Diana owned her own
typewriter and because of her high IQ,
she was to skip the 5th grade this year
and was going on into the 6th. We
were doing this on advice of 3 teach
ers. All said Diana was too smart to
be held back and was ready for the
Here is Diana Dunn Stephens, age 9,
6 l 1 i grade. She would have been 10
daughter of Mr. and Airs. Edgar
years old July 7th.
Stephens of Cairo, III. She was one
I’ve had beautiful letters from all
of the great child riders in all horse
histoiy. At the Germantown (Memphis)
over the country from so many people
Horse Shoiu on June 16, 1962, Diana’s
I didn’t know and so many memorials
Lhree-gailed horse—Vichy Emerald—had
have been given her. I know she’s a
shown perfectly in a class of 20 horses.
proud little girl watching this from
While awaiting the judges’ final call,
and standing still, the horse suddenly
Heaven. It has certainly been my
reared. Apparently the horse’s head
struck Diana, knocking her from the
Mr. Green, I started writing and
saddle. The horse then rolled over her
as the animal struggled to rise. She
just couldn't stojr. I know that on
sufjered a fractured skull and died
your page you couldn't possibly use
several hours later at the hospital. In
all this but I just want everyone to
a letter in this magazine Diana’s
know what a wonderful little rider
mother says that Diana Stephens Stable
is being kept intact, and she herself is
Diana was. We feel her’s was a freak
learning to ride Vicky Emerald—be
accident. And had she lived, she’d be
cause she is sure that is the way her
back in the saddle as soon as possible.
daughter would want things to be.
For her, I am learning to jog some.
I never have done any riding and I
hope maybe in a year that perhaps I
(By Diana D. Stephens)
can shotv a fine harness horse. Max is
To me a horse is a friend who I can
Leaching me on Diana’s 2 horses— rely on most any time. We seem to
“Vicky Emerald” and “M odern understand each other in our own
special way. He seems to have faith in
Diana always wanted me to try but me and I have faith in him. We love
1 was afraid. Now 1 am trying. I each other.
I have a two-year-old stud colt who
might never make it—but we want to
stay with our horses, keep Diana’s you would think is a mare. (Actually,
stable going and keep our contacts 1 think he sometimes acts better.) I
with the most wonderful people in raised him, and he has never tried to
bile or kick me. He tries to bite and
the world—the horse people.
Diana was buried in her riding kick everybody else because they are
habit that she was to wear Saturday always hitting him for any little mis
in the 5-gaited class. She held two take, without giving him a chance to
blue ribbons that she won at Jackson, understand. After all he is only a colt,
Mo., this year in her hand. She was he’ll get over his babyish ways as he
grows up.
at home in her jodpurs.
It seems to me that if a horse is
Please send us your magazine—and loved that you will get more out of a
we thank y ou for including Diana— horse than if you are mean to him be
that’s what keeps us going.
cause he will always hold a grudge
against you. Some people think there
are such things as "devil-horses.” But
Mrs. E. M. Stephens
3209 Washington Ave. I say that a horse is never born mean,
but it is the way he is treated.
Cairo, 111.
This page is devoted to a memorial
tribute to Diana D. Stephens, age 9,
who was entered in Walking Horse,
three-gaited and five-gaited classes for
juveniles in lire 1961 Celebration.
This year she is no longer with us ex
cept in precious memory. The Voice
Editor is certain all other juveniles
listed in the 1961 Celebration pro
gram will want to join us in this trib
ute, and their names are herewith.
Ben A. Green, Mary Frances Green:
Hill Adams
Bill Allen
Tina Alston
Cathy Bailey
Suzanne Bailey
Ted Baler
Joe Bales, Jr.
Mary Bales
Mona Barlett
Scott Baynard
Tait Baynard
Steve Beech
Mary Louise Bennett
Beryl Bethea
Johnny Black
Barbi Bohne
Lewis Bordelon
Libby Bowman
Ted Baicr
Avis Brown
Joe Bettersworth
Trisha Bryan
Janie Bramlett
Bobby Brown
Jimmy Brown
Steven Brown
Calvin Bryan
Sonny Bunn
Bobby Burris
Allan Callaway
Chuck Chitwood
Susie Conner
Jeanne Cox
Mark Cockrell
Sally Clifford
Catherine Chitwood
Mary Jane Cochran
John Crawford, Jr.
Mary Denton
Nancy Dodson
Larry Derryberry
Jane Dykes
Billy Davis
Rex Dalton
Buddy Denton
Jimmy Ellis
Dottie Ann Ellis
Debbie Fowler
Rex Farmer
Stewart Fair
Jimmy Gray
Camille Glover
Tarry Gaylor
Bobby Gaylor
Diana Gamier
Freda Garrett
Mary Gramling
Holly Anne Gray
Holley Ann Gray
Freda Garrett
Nancy Garth
Judy Gore
Lynda Lee Gray
Barbara Habig
Richard Harris, III
Laddie Hillis
Roger Dale Hand
!o Anne Hensley
J. C. Hall
Susan Hunter
Sue Hammond
Kathy Houck
Heather Holmes
Price Holt
Doug Habig
Candy Jones
Janice Jones
Karen Jones
Melissa Jones
Joe Kelley, Jr.
Larry Kimbro
Billy Liles
Terry Lovett
Jack Littrell
Clem Lovell
Nancy Lindsey
Linda Lutrick
Betty Litchfield
Bobby Lawrence
Sherrill Marks
Kay McCoy
Joe Mathews
Jimmy McFarlin
Joe Martin
Marianne Morris
Regina McLaurin
Micky Miller
Sissy McCoy
Becky Miller
Peppy Martin
Denny Mullen
Stan McNabb
Janice Mayes
Jeanne Murphy
Wayne Morton
Sherrod Milligan
Meriam Neil
Bonnie Nichols
Marnee Ogden
Wayne Pierce
Bette Jean Penton
Dale Phillips
Terry Phillips
Susan Pemberton
Robert Pierce
Wayne Pierce
Tommie Pierce
Virginia Pierce
Robbie Pegram
Patty Roc Ryan
Marvin Rowe
Colley Rhodes
Corinnc Ryan
Buster Roberts
Linda Robinson
.Merry Rouse
David Ryan
Robin Robirds
Dottie Randolph
Amelia Ruff
Natalie Stone
Judy Simmons
Brenda Scott
Robert Shamblin
Marolyn Sizer
Linda Smith
Shannon Sellers
Danny Stubbs
Bobby Simpson
Sam Stockctt
Jack Stacy
James K. Taylor, Jr.
Bobby Thompson
Perry Thomas
Suzie Tuttle
Mike Thomas
Virginia Thompson
Fred E. Turner
Ricky Taylor
Gary Taylor
John Turner
Blanche Thomas
Sharon Terry
Vicki Thompson
D'Leesc Williamson
Jan Wright
Judy Wiser
Bettye Lou Warren
Lee Wood
Mike Webb
John David Wrather
Jim Wright
Eleanor Wright
Eddie Wright
Phoebe Wiley
Butch White
Sharon Webb
Judy Wilkinson
Barbara Whaley
Jerry Yamcll
Libby Young