Thompson ' s Sale Scheduled 3 Days
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse 17
Celebration Staffs Only New Face Is " Ringmaster Who Fits The Suit "
Assignments for “ Celebration staff duties ” at the great horse show in Shelbyville Aug . 26-Sept . 1 include only one newcomer — a ringmaster who “ was raised with horses and exactly fits the brand new suit available ,” according to Public Relations Chairman Robert M . Thomas .
The new ringmaster is Albert Clanton , uptown siioe store employee who qualifies as being “ just the size ” of Robert M . Thomas , Jr ., Shelbyvillian employed in New York and now married ( since the 1961 Celebration ). As a bachelor last year Thomas was in the Ringmaster Trio .
Directors ’ Specific Duties
Other staff assignments duplicate those of previous years , except that Morgan Lorance was announced as “ publicity manager ” weeks ago — being associated with Thomas . Assignments for the six other members of the Board of Directors are :
William C . Tune , Jr ., president and head of the Executive Committee ; P . J . Scuclder , secretary-treasure ]' and chairman of Grounds with H . C . Tilford , Jr ., assistant ; William L . Parker , vice-president ; E . L . Adamson , Horse Show chairman ; H . C . Tilford , Jr ., Concessions ; H . J . Thompson , Entertainment and Decorations .
Thompson said traditional street decorations are due for installation by Aug . IS .
Other staff assignments are : Sam Gibbons , show manager and editor of the Blue Ribbon Yearbook ( due out early in August ) ; Emmett Guy , announcer ; Les Nelson , official photographer ; Bayard Tarpley , counselor ; Jimmy Richardson , organist ; Mrs . J . Ivan Potts , Jr ., Horse Show office manager ; John P . Castleberry , ticket chairman , who serves all year in that capacity .
Ringmasters , Fred White , Wartrace native living in Nashville , senior ringmaster , Mark Farrar of Flat Creek , who served also last year , and Clanton ; Charles ( Scope ) Carney and Ike Bill , barn managers .
Committee On Social Affairs
Committee on Social Activities , Mrs . E . L . Adamson , Mrs . Franklin Boyd , Mrs . W . L . Parker , Mrs . P . J . Scudder , Mrs . R . M . Thomas , Mrs .
H . J . Thompson , Mrs . H . C . Tilford , Jr ., Mrs . W . C . Tune , Sr ., and Mrs . W . C . Tune , Jr .
Jaycees will be in charge of parking ; Lions handling the horse show program as usual ; Rotary Club , Kuwaitis Club , Quarterback Club and V . F . W . maintaining food concessions as in the past .
The Celebration Grounds office was opened July 12 with Mrs . J . Ivan Poots , Jr . in charge . Her assistants are Mrs . William A . Kingree , Miss Marion Flynn and Miss Judy Parker .
On duty at the Celebration , Inc ., office at the Shelbyville Power System , under direction of Ticket Chairman Castleberry , are the Misses Carey Gates Thomas , Sarah Lee Russell , Marilynn Hale and Mrs . William ( Buddy ) Irvin , formerly Miss Martha Sue Farrar .
Ticket sales have been tremendous , Chamber of Commerce calls for housing are unprecedented , horse entry blanks are arriving in great numbers , workmen are completing new seating facilities at the Celebration Grounds speedily , the maintenance crew is expediting completion of all normal repairs , and everything will be “ perfect ” for the opening event on Saturday , Aug . 25 — the National Futurity sponsored by the T ennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors ’ Assn ., of America , Inc . That was the word from officials . The only unassigned responsibility is “ who will take care of the weather ?”
Thompson ' s Sale Scheduled 3 Days
Vic Thompson ’ s annual Tennessee Walking Horse Sale For Champions during Celebration Week will be held adjacent to the Celebralion Grounds on a site across the road from the upper south gate of the grounds .
Dates announced are Wednesday , Thursday and Friday , Aug . 29 , 30 , 31 starting at 10 am . Col . Pete Yokley of Pulaski will be auctioneer .
Thompson ’ s advertisements in the Voice issues of June , July and August point out that a yearling colt sale will take place Thursday , Aug . 30 , with entries not limited to any one stallion .
Celebration Facts
P L A C E — Celebration Grounds , Shelbyville , Tenn . In perfect condition . Seating facilities expanded .
TICKETS — Reserved seats plentiful for week through Friday night . General Admission ticket sales begin 9 a . m . on Aug . 27 at Celebration Grounds . Write P . O . Box 192 for ticket information .
NATIONAL FUTURITY — Breeders ' Assn . National Futurity is free show at Celebration Grounds scheduled Saturday night , Aug . 25 , 7:30 p . m . with six classes , 57,500 prize money ( all-time record ), See ad on Page 9 . Entries restricted to colts of sires and dams previously nominated .
CELEBRATION DATES-F r e e show Sunday night , Aug . 26 , starting 8 p . m . Free show ( colt classes ) Monday morning , Aug . 27 , starting at 9 a . m . Night shows daily through Saturday , Aug . 27 through Sept . 1 , with Junior Championship Friday night and Grand Championship Saturday night . Total of 57 classes , prize money totalling 520,000 .
R O O M I N G ACCOMMODA TIONS — Shelbyville , Bedford County Chamber of Commerce assures everyone that accommodations in homes can be secured if proper notice is given . Write early .
EATING FACILITIES — Many commercial eating establishments in community , special facilities at Celebration Grounds .
ENTRIES — All Celebration entries must be filed officially in letters postmarked not later than 12 midnight , Aug . 9 . Post entries are not allowed . A total of more than 1,200 horses is expected .
BEN A . GREEN PUBLICATIONS -Shelbyville Civitan Club members will sell Ben A . Green Publications at two booths near the entrance gates . These publications include : Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse magazine , single copies 50 cents , subscriptions $ 4 for 12 monthly issues ; Biography of the Tennessee Walking Horse ( 300-page history of the breed ). special 55 price ; Pre-Publication orders for 300-page training book , STEVE HILL and THE TENNES SEE WALKING HORSE , S5 ; this book will be delivered Dec . I and will cost S7.50 from that date . These publications will be sold at the Celebration Grounds only by Civitans . Their club receives a commission on all such sales .