1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 April Voice | Page 8

6 April , 1962

Breeders ' Assn . Engineer , 81 , Called TWH Secret Annual Meeting

To His Long And Happy Life

Scheduled May 12

Annual meeting o £ the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors ’ Association , Inc ., will be held Saturday , May 12 at 10 a . m . in the association auditorium at Lewisburg , Tenn .
Directors of the association met at Lewisburg on April 6 and approved the following nominations to be submitted on the proxy ballot that was to be mailed to all active members as soon as it could be printed :
President , S . W . Beech of Lewisburg , Tenn ., Rt . 5 .
First Vice-president , W . W . Gill of Petersburg , Tenn .
Second Vice-president , C . C . Turner of Broadway , Va .
John H . Amos and Dr . W . F . Fessey , Nashville , for directors , 3-year terms . ]. Glenn Turner for director , to fill Take it from 81-year-old Vincent E . out one remaining year on Beech ’ s McMullen of Columbus , Indianaterm . riding his Tennessee Walking Horse
The National Futurity ' sponsored by is one of the secrets of a long life and good health . He rode his Merry Boy the association with $ 7,500 in purses
Sunrise on his 81st birthday , and rode expected to be available was scheduled for Saturday , Aug . 25 at 7:30 three times a week all last summer and fall . A letter from Mr . McMullen p . m . at the Tennessee Walking Horse in his handwriting tells the Voice that
National Celebration Grounds in he is staying at the Methodist Home
Shelbyville . This is one night before in Franklin , Indiana , and enjoying the Celebration is set to start with life with zest . He writes a good hand , a free Sunday night Show starting too . at 8 p . m . on Aug . 26 . On Sept . 3 , 1960 , the Evening Republican of Columbus carried a 3-
Board of Directors — John H . Amos , Chairman , Franklin , Tenn .; Dr . W . V . Gamier , Bastrop , La .
Region 7 — Illinois , Missouri and For regional vice-presidents : Kansas — J . Leon Hall , Hillsboro , Mo . Region 1 — M a i n e , Massachusetts , Region 8 — Louisiana and Mississippi — J . Sidney Moulon , Box 926 ,
New Hampshire , Connecticut , Vermont , Delaware , Rhode Island , New Jennings , La . York , New Jersey , Pennsylvania — Region 9 — T e x a s — R obert F . Joseph J . Cignetto of Mechanicsburg , Thompson , 1000 Fidelity Union Pa .
Tower , Dallas , Tex . Region 2 — North Carolina and Region 10 — Colorado , New Mexico ,
South Carolina — Dr . T . W . Long , Utah , Wyoming and Montana — Richard Leamon , Albuquerque , N . Mex­
Newton , N . C .
Region 3 — Alabama and Georgia — ico E . A . Self , Rt . 4 , Box 171 , Mobile , Ṙegion 11 — California , Arizona and Ala .
Nevada — R . Mitchell McClure , Los
Region 4 — Florida , William C . Machines , 98 Martinique , Tampa , Fla . Region 12 — Washington , Idaho and
Angeles , Cal .
Region 5 — Michigan , Indiana , Ohio Oregon — Mrs . D . G . Eggerman , 19012 and Kentucky — Frank S . Hawley , 1215 Pipeline Road , Renton , Washington . Jackson St ., Toledo , Ohio .
Region 13 — Oklahoma and Arkansas — E . L . Burgess , Sherrill , Arkansas .
Region 6 — Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa , Nebraska , North Dakota and Region 14 — Maryland , Virginia , South Dakota — LI . F . Klosterman , West Virginia and Washington , D . C , David City , Neb .
— Fred M . Black , Broadway , Va . column picture of Mr . McMullen ( reproduced herewith ) and a 3-column headed story by Robert E . Gordon which said , in part :
“ Vincent E . McMullen , 2425 Washington St ., went for a ride Friday on his spirited Tennessee Walking Horse , Merry Boy Sunrise .
“ Now it isn ’ t unusual for an equine enthusiast to go for a ride , but in the case of Mr . McMullen , it was different .
“ The ride was taken on the eve of his SOLh birthday , which he is observing today . It isn ’ t the usual for an 80- year-old to tackle a frisky Walking Horse .
“ For Mr . McMullen , Cummins Engine Company vice-president in semiretirement , horsemanship is one of the secrets of his longevity . He has been riding since boyhood and explains that it is one of his two hobbies . The other is improving the mind which he does with the study of nuclear energy and closely allied electronics . He also points to the importance of selecting the right ancestors . These hobbies , plus a philosophy that you must continually look to and anticipate the future , keeps him young and active ....
In discussing his enthusiasm for riding as a hobby , he calls attention to the following thought :
" When you come home from the office and are tired from a busy and exciting day , why not ‘ take a tonic .’ Not a tonic from a bottle , but the ( Continued on Page 8 )