Q : Do you think Noah ’ s Ark will be discovered ?
A : All over the world creation myths talk about a global flood . I think this is a metaphor relating to the end of the last ice age . Around 10 ’ 000 BCE the last ice age ended and seawater started rising . It ’ s a post ice age hangover that most cultures have , but who ’ s the editor ? Think about it this way , if there was a boat and it had 2 creatures of every species on earth , how much food would you require to feed them for 40 days ? You ’ d need 5 Noah ’ s Arks of food just to sustain the animals for forty days .
Photo by Kinda Phillips
Q : You have written 5 books with the newest recently published . Tell us about your books please .
I spent years studying the carvings in Rosslyn Chapel and when I was about 25 I discovered was a unique group of symbols . I spent the next 10 years of my life deciphering them . I presented my findings at the International Science Festival where they were received with a standing ovation . The results were tested by professional scientists at Bradford University who confirmed that I had discovered an ancient sea chart . It ’ s a chart of the Nordic Empire carved on the crypt wall at Rosslyn Chapel . The chart identifies 4 lines of latitude upon which Viking settlements in North America were , 500 years before Christopher Columbus allegedly discovered America . Based on the chart , the 4th latitude predicts the discovery of a new Viking settlement , that has yet to be unearthed .
A twist in time offers an entirely new perspective on prehistory and demands we re-engineer our views on the Stone Age ; because all of discoveries in the book involve changing paradigms of pre-history - it ’ s a real game changer . It ’ s so big that top archaeologists are astounded that it ’ s never been seen before : annihilating concepts of a Stone Age , and replacing it with the Rope Age .
For 100,000 years ’ man didn ’ t survive by skills with stone but by highly specialized and advanced rope making crafts . Ropes were made by elite rope making craftsmen and used for everything from ceremonial purposes to measuring ; ropes were even used for surveying . Mankind has literally pulled itself through the evolutionary chain using ropes . The book removes any mystery and magic speculation of the pre-historic era and replaces it with the highly skilled craftsmen and rope .
Ten years ago I was fascinated with scientific paradox and began studying the issue . I came across Sir Isaac Newton ’ s end of the world prophecy which predicts the world will end in 2060 . It was based on numbers , equations , and measurements of the Temple of Solomon which he derived from the Bible . So I looked at his conclusions and his involvement with Alchemy and discovered that his 3 laws of motion matched the 3 laws of reality believed true by ancient Egyptians . So , I ask the question , did Newton plagiarize them from ancient Egyptian texts ?
The Rosslyn Templar is based around my study of the R . T . McPherson Painting mentioned earlier . The Rosslyn Templar presents an engaging discussion focused around this curious 18th century painting . It reviews the history of Freemasonry and the architecture of Rosslyn Chapel and offers new evidence of the connection between Templars , Freemasons and Rosslyn Chapel itself .
1961 Magazine Fall 2016