1960 Wrestling World Central States Wrestling (Kansas City) | Page 8

NWA World Title: Pat O'Connor

NWA World Tag Titles: Von Brauners

United States Title Rankings

C) Sonny Myers

1) Cowboy Bob Ellis

2) Ronnie Etchison

3) Lee Henning

North American Tag Titles Rankings

C) Geigel & Brown

1) Texas Outlaws

2) The Viking & Donovan

3) Ox Baker & Ray Gordon

Central States Title Rankings

C) Sailor Art Thomas

1) Bobby Shane

2) Thor Hagen

3) Danny Plechas

Overall Rankings

01) Sonny Myers

02) Bob Geigel

03) Cowboy Bob Ellis

04) Ronnie Etchison

05) Bulldog Bob Brown

06) Lee Henning

07) Ron Reed

08) Bob Orton

09) Sailor Art Thomas

10) The Viking

Current Feuds

Ron Reed .v. Bob Orton(Ungrateful)

Earl Maynard .v. Roger Kirby(Nothing But Luck)

Week 4


May, Week 4, Memorial Hall, Kansas City

Ronnie Etchison fought Cowboy Bob Ellis to a time limit draw ... Ronnie Etchison remains the #1 contender to the United States Title.

The Viking & Donovan d. Ox Baker & Ray Gordon by pinfall in a North American Tag Titles #1 contender match.

Vince Bryant d. Thor Hagen by pinfall in a Central States Title #1 contender match.

Ron Reed & Sailor Art Thomas d. Lee Henning & Danny Plechas by DQ.

Dusty Rhodes d. Bobby Shane with Figure Four Leglock.

Bob Orton d. Earl Maynard by pinfall.

May, Week 4, KSHB TV All-Star Wrestling

Bob Orton d. Ron Reed by DQ.

Sailor Art Thomas d. Vince Bryant by pinfall to retain the Central States Title.

Lee Henning & Danny Plechas d. Bobby Shane & Tom Clark by pinfall.

Cowboy Bob Ellis d. Ray Gordon by pinfall.

Year 1, May - Supercard

Sonny Myers d. Ronnie Etchison by pinfall to retain the United States Title.

Geigel & Brown d. The Viking & Donovan by pinfall to retain the North American Tag Titles.

Bob Orton d. Ron Reed by DQ.

Roger Kirby d. Earl Maynard by pinfall.

Texas Outlaws d. Vince Bryant & Sailor Art Thomas by DQ.

Lee Henning d. Thor Hagen by pinfall.

Ox Baker d. Happy Humphrey with Grounded Heart Punch.

