The Techy Shade
The Bright Idea
Nothing says “luxury” like the ability to sync and control lighting with
a remote device. Motorized shades “allow the owner to control the
light and moods with the touch of a button,” says Ryan
Pruett of CONLON in Chicago.
Say goodbye to the days of compact fluorescent bulbs and hello to
LED lighting. This “solid-state lighting” is a smart form of illumination
with a responsive system – a biometric illumination system can
be programmed to gently wake one before sunrise or promote a
stress-free environment after a long work day.
Average cost: $550 per battery operated system; $150 per
shade from serenashades.com
Average cost of Philips Smart hue LED bulb: $100 from usa.philips.com
The App Assistant
From locking your front door via voice-command to instant response home monitoring,
our growing world of apps has you covered.
Use apps like “Hello Alfred” to schedule a
weekly visit from your own personal butler
or “The Handy Man” to help calculate your
desired home renovation.
Average cost: $1.99 per download. Not bad for
a little luxury!
*Photo courtesy of Planet Traveler
The Secure Traveler
Leaving home for a getaway? Instead of lugging your usual
suitcase, you can opt for a personal travel assistant – complete with location tracker, digital scale, battery charger for
your devices and remote lock for bag security.
Average cost: $450 from bluesmart.com
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