1930's Women's Fashion 1 | Page 20

Figure 24

Though it may be said that fashion in the "Dirty Thirties" got sidetracked due to factors out of anyone's control, such as the unfortunate and gloomy Great Depression, it didn't stop trends and fads from flourishing and developing. Beginning with the fun and adventurous style of the 1920's, the 1930's showed that fashion was able to have a much more refined and delicate side, with feminine, waist-hugging dresses, sleek and business-like shoes, and even makeup trends that accentuated a much more rounded and child-like face; this era was femininity at its finest! And though great icons such as Judy Garland, Jean Harlow, and Marlene Dietrich were glorified in this era with their drop-dead looks and in style fashion, it only comes to show how much of an impact fashion really has on pop culture and even a generation as a whole. The fashion of the 1930's isn't just flexible and feminine. It's also thought-provoking to know that through the struggles of an economic depression, the art of fashion and trends within a population will forever live on. And that, is exactly what fashion is about.