1920-AnnualReview-final | Page 14


A leader in learning through the time of COVID-19 , OrchKids provided Baltimore City School students across nine schools with opportunities for musical and personal growth .
Academic year programming was entirely virtual and included live online instruction ; an online resource library ( practice materials , tutorials , etc .); asynchronous material and classes delivered to BCPSS teachers and school partners ; and , online ensembles , collective composition workshops , and guest artist engagements .
A four-week , hybrid Summer Session engaged 100 students in small group and private instrumental lessons , music theory , and other enrichment classes . In total , OrchKids served 211 students during after-school programming and made in-school programming accessible to 1,100 students .
Thanks to the power of partnerships , OrchKids was also able to serve the whole student and their families :
• Under the supervision of licensed social workers , interns from the University of Maryland School of Social Work led individual projects such as a video to celebrate immigrant families ; and created neighborhood Resource Guides , providing guidance on food and clothing insecurity to an eviction prevention program .
• A partnership with Johns Hopkins University saw students commemorate the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment , as well as explore female empowerment today . OrchKids students created an original composition centered around three distinct themes of the suffrage movement ( representation , voting , and the future of democracy ) while University film students gathered complementary imagery . The collective result , Queens Unseen : Royals without Crowns , was a special audio / visual presentation broadcast in collaboration with The Parkway .
• A renewed collaboration with the University of Maryland , Baltimore County ( UMBC ), gathered students from both programs virtually over eight weekly sessions to compose original music and lyrics centered around the theme of “ Looking Ahead ” – designed to reshape the negative impacts of 2020 with positivity and hope for a better 2021 .
While operating as a program of the BSO , OrchKids has a restricted operating budget and all gifts intended for OrchKids must be designated as such . For more information , please visit OrchKids . org .
OrchKids student Jayden Moore at Interlochen Center for the Arts
35 OrchKids
attended external summer camps :
- Camp Encore / Coda
- The Archipelago Project ’ s Innovation and Leadership Academy
- Kingdom Flute Works - Allegro Strings - Yola National
- The NSO Summer Music Institute

90 %

84 %

91 %



After-School Attendance
Summer Session Attendance
Program Completion
Matriculating to college , including Towson University and UMBC