1920-AnnualReview-final | Page 10


Virtual series launched in the early phase of the pandemic continued and evolved . The second season of both Lunch Bachs ( expanded from exclusively violas to the entire orchestra and including an exciting collaboration demonstrating the composition process in its entirety with students from the Peabody Institute ) and the Virtual Governing Members Lounge reached members of the BSO family and the musically curious through Facebook Live and the newly improved BSO OffStage . We also added to our lineup , launching the Cultural Connections series on social media to celebrate and promote cultural inclusivity and cultural diversity . In total , ten BSO musicians commemorated holidays or shared their own personal traditions through musical excerpts , from celebrating the Lunar New Year and Black History Month to introducing the Portuguese origins of the Fandango or sharing a Korean lullaby .
We looked beyond social media to engage our most isolated friends and neighbors , including senior living communities and front-line workers , using music as a means of escape , reprieve , and connection – be it just a phone call away , thanks to the Daily Music Hotline ; through content directly delivered to their inbox encouraging them to Take a Break ( a free weekly series of short performances distributed to members of the healthcare sector and other local workers ); on closed circuit television channels or in common rooms for those without easy access to internet ; or , in popup concerts by members of the BSO at a vaccination site or area hospital .
In addition to reaching out to our community at large , we also worked to keep close to those in our family , including our donors . An entirely new lineup of virtual member events broke down our geographic barriers between the Meyerhoff and Strathmore to bring all donors together – with each other , as well as with BSO musicians , staff , and special guests .

115 Daily messages



3,324 Total calls

24 Episodes accessed

1,217 Times

10 Episodes in Season 2

1,764 Average views per episode