1861 | Page 44




Ivan Bajde has invented a new instrument, which mimics the harp, viola, and violin. This new instrument has a narrow harmonic shape with two keyboards and a pedal.

Even though small Slovenia has seen quite a few renowned inventors in and around 1861.

Janez Puhar is the first Slovenian photographer and inventor of photography on glass. In Paris he received the title of honorary member and a diploma from the French 'Académie agricole, manufacturiere et commerciale'. He is considered to be one of the greatest innovators in the Austrian Empire, and has put Slovenia on the world map of photographic art development.

Peter Zadravec has constructed a flour mill and a power plant for a larger wind mill. He has recieved multiple awards for his inventions and practical improvements in milling technology.

Valentin Matija Živic is important in the design of the railway. However, he mostly gets credit for helping with the planning and invention of the helicopter.

We should be proud of Andrej Novak who has won an award for his invention of a cannon that fills from the rear. He has also invented a fatty compound for healing shooting wounds.

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Jan Janjić. 9.A