1861 | Page 33

The Bridge - 1861 - Erasmus+


Another success by Luigi Palmieri

Luigi Palmieri invents the seismograph, an instrument used on the Vesuvius to register the earthquakes, which may be precursors of eruptions.

Palmieri was born in Faicchio, a few km from Sant'Agata De 'Goti: he is a scholar of atmospheric electricity, seismologist and volcanologist.

He is the director of the Vesuvian seismological observatory, which was the first in the world to be invented (1841-1845).

Palmieri was already famous for having invented the electrometer and was awarded by the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon in 1854.

He was also the first to demonstrate that soil lifting is a precursor phenomenon of eruption and to measure its size.

These inventions will be useful to monitor the volcano, since the Vesuvius is an active volcano and is always lurking!!!

"The Italian State is a fierce dictatorship that has set fire

to southern Italy and the islands, dismembering, shooting,

burying the poor peasants who mercenary writers are trying

to infame with the name of 'brigands'."

These words represent the reality

that has characterized Italy for years.


The brigands are people of the area who don't appreciate the arrival of the Piemontesi (inhabitants of the region called Piemonte, where the dynasty of the Savoy reigned) because they think that the Piemontesi will be the new invaders of the region. They prefer the Bourbons and don’t want the end of the Reign of the two Sicilies.

The brigands are part of different social classes, actually they are bourgeois or officials. Disappointed by this new political situation they decide to hide in the mountains because they are persecuted.

Right on these mountains

the typical songs of bandits are born,

one of the most important is

"Brigante se more"

that brings to light a taboo

subject of Italian history.

Music as an interpreter of reality