1819 News Winter 2023 | Page 7

“ Courage will now be your best defence against the storm that is at hand ...”
two Hobbit friends , Pippin and Merry , return to the Shire after long absence , only to find their fellow Hobbits suffering under great oppression . Businesses are closed , community gatherings are forbidden , inhabitants are forced to stay inside , and speaking up against those in charge earns an extended stay in the “ Lockholes .”
If I didn ’ t know better , I ’ d swear Tolkien was writing about the COVID tyranny we all experienced — yes , even here in Alabama — just a few short years ago .
Raising this issue , I can see how many might think I ’ m beating a dead horse . “ That won ’ t happen again , Bryan ,” I can hear you say . “ You ’ re delusional to raise such an alarm .”
Unfortunately , those who say such things are giving into the same enemy as those in the Shire gave into : comfort . As Merry notes to Pippin , the good folk of the Shire didn ’ t “ at all understand what [ was ] really going on .” This was because they had “ been so comfortable so long they [ didn ’ t ] know what to do .”
Thankfully , the Shire was roused out of their stupor and was eventually rid of its enemies . But that didn ’ t happen without three things .
The first is the courage of those four brave Hobbits . It took them standing up , speaking out against tyranny , and taking charge of the Hobbit offense to get things rolling .
The same is true with us . Unless a few brave Alabamians are willing to stand up , speak out about what ’ s wrong with Alabama ’ s leadership and institutions , and form a plan of attack , nothing will happen . No progress will be made . We ’ ll just sit , rotting away , watching our communities go up in the flames of Mordor .
The second is the battle . Frodo and his fellow Hobbits were battle worn and weary , but they didn ’ t give up just because they were too tired . They charged in yet again , motivating their kinsfolk to fall in line and fight after them .
We must do the same . We must urge our friends and family to resist the tyranny we see happening all around us , for “ resistance to tyranny is obedience to God .” And we must be out in front , never relaxing , never “ growing weary in well-doing .”
Lastly , the Hobbits rebuilt . They invested in their homes , their families , and their property , seeking to make the Shire beautiful once again .
In the same way , it ’ s not just good enough for us to go around tearing down institutions and the pet projects of the elites . We must also offer a vision of a hope-filled future . A vision of truth , goodness , and beauty that those around us will be so attracted to that they can ’ t but help follow along .
As we head into 2024 , Alabamians face the same foes and fears that the Shire faced . Let ’ s not give into them . Let ’ s keep fighting , letting the truth and light of a Gospel-centered culture win the day once again .
bryan dawson