1819 News Winter 2023 | Page 43

1819 News has been an integral part of the conservative fight in Alabama and the country . In a time where media is so censored to benefit the left , I ’ m grateful to have 1819 to get the truth to the people . As Alabama ’ s Freedom Caucus member , I know I can count on them to make sure Alabamians get the right side of things and not progressive propaganda . We are in a spiritual battle for the future of this nation . I ’ m glad to have the folks at 1819 in the fight . I ’ m praying for their continued success .

Barry Moore u . s . congressman , freedom caucus

Truth matters ! 1819 News is the most reliable source of news from a rightly-oriented perspective that has been missing from the state for at least the past 30 years . Pravda ( which means truth ) is the name of the morally bankrupt Russian Communist newspaper – the principles of our own legacy media shows them to be comrades . Having served on the state ’ s ethics commission , it is past time that a news outlet has come to the fore that is willing to expose the sad games that have entrapped so many elected officials ( both Republicans and Democrats ) and public servants .

Stewart Tankersly , MD former ethics commission member

“ I start every weekday with The Daily Detail 10-minute podcast with Andrea Tice . It is a great summary of the relevant state and national news that I need to know . The content of the digital articles I get each day in my inbox has become a need-to-know source of current info I now rely on to be a well-informed legislator .”

Susan DuBose state representative

There ’ s a fantastic site , one of the leaders of it is a guy who worked for me at Breitbart , Jeff Poor , and he had worked for Tucker [ Carlson ] before at Daily Caller , so this guy ’ s very well trained . Jeff Poor ’ s a rockstar … They have a great site down in Alabama , a news site called 1819 News , which is when Alabama came into the union as a state . Fantastic site .

Steve Bannon former white house chief strategist