1819 News Winter 2023 | Page 19

by Ashley Carter

In the busyness of our fast-paced world , it ’ s easy to feel overwhelmed by the cultural shifts that seem to daily sweep across society . Yet , there is a strong force that can shape the fabric of our ever-changing culture , helping us weather its ups and downs , namely , the warmth of our family circles in the heart of our own homes .

I strongly believe that we can change the culture through the seemingly ordinary acts of raising families , being neighborly , attending church , becoming self-sufficient through food production , and saving money . Practicing these simple and small changes can have a huge impact not only on our current society , but on future generations as well .
Here is the Church , Here is the Steeple
Church is a place where we can come together and worship outside of our homes . Strength comes as we gather in a house of worship with others who share the same values . In a world that seems so eager to destroy the foundations of Christianity , holding on to the traditions of our faith and values is even more important . These gatherings bring not only stability , but also peace and comfort while we fight against the cultural storms .
It ’ s also important to have times of family worship . My family — along with many others that I know — believe that family worship inside the home is just as important as going to church to worship together with like-minded believers .
Raising the Next Generation
Practicing intentionality in the daily choices we make is another way to fight the culture wars from our homes . Gathering around the dinner table as a family , sharing a meal and talking about the day — despite careers and demands of life — is one way to do this . And when it ’ s time for bed , reading or telling stories passed down from generation to generation is another .
Families who do these simple things actively create traditions in their home , teaching children values that will follow them as they grow and have families of their own one day . These traditions , values , and morals will go even further as those same children navigate the world and make choices as adults .
Like a Good Neighbor
Another way we can make a difference is by being more neighborly , showing hospitality to others . As a child , if someone new moved into the neighborhood , they would get a visit with some homemade cookies or a fresh-baked pie . We neighbors kept an eye on one another , and if something ever looked out of place , we were all quick to notify each other .
But nowadays , many of us are so busy that we forget to check on our neighbors . Getting back to that sense of community can make a big difference for you and the families around you . Feeling a part of something can improve more than just our lives — it can also encourage others to get more involved in the community .
Living Off the Land
For us , the decision to start a homestead was an easy one . The ever-increasing prices in eggs , vegetables , and other products made the argument that it was definitely worth putting in the hard work ourselves , rather than depend on the big box stores for provisions . Our whole family has taken part every step of the way , helping with planting , irrigation systems , clearing the land , harvesting , and of course , eating !
This hard work has taught our family valuable lessons , such as the importance of owning your own land and of providing for your family . It has taught us that we do not have to rely upon the government for every need .
In learning this self-sufficiency , we have also grown wiser in our spending habits . We make more intentional choices when it comes to shopping , and doing so increases a family culture that prioritizes stability over the whims that sometimes overcome us in stores .
Emotions change daily and can depend upon our life choices and surroundings . So take time to focus on what is real and true . Find others who have the same burden to create a culture of faith and strength , to get back to God and country . Add a tradition in your family to vote by convictions , rather than feel-good speeches .
We need strong leaders in our communities that will advance the values and traditions for which we are fighting . What better way than to start cultivating those strong leaders both in and around our homes ?