18 Forever February. 2014 | страница 2

Water Is Key

What exercise CAN'T do

I know it's a bit hard to believe, but drinking water is tough work. I mean most of us have to go to school, do homework, work in our part-time jobs; we don't have time to drink water. And when we do get the chance to take a break and drink something, we quench our thirst with other substances - soda, vitamin water, juice. Water doesn't taste like anything so if we don't drink it for pleasure, why drink it at all?

Believe it or not, water helps

1. It gives you energy and helps you concentrate - Your brain needs a lot of oxygen and drinking water helps it to keep you alert and you will be able to focus and concentrate.

2. Key to weightloss - Water can reduce calorie intake. Water does not have any calories so if you drink water instead of a diet coke or vitamin water, you will reduce the amount of calories you were going to take in. Also, water helps you become full quickly, if you drink a cup of water before a meal, you will eat less.

3. Helps your skin - It keeps gives your skin a fresh new glow! Dehydration gives the skin more wrinkes and makes your skin seem more dry.

4. Relieves and prevents headaches - Sometimes, the reason why we get headaches is due to dehydration.

5. Energizes muscles - The cells in your mucles needs a balance of fluids which is why drinking water while exercising is good for your mucles.

It's hard to quit your sodas and juice boxes or your starbucks hot chocolates. But I'm not telling you to quit all those things. I'm just saying, drink more water helps! If you want better skin, less headaches, and more energy, dont take pills or put on expensive creams - drink water.

For those of you that are insecure about your bodies, don't worry; you are beautiful in your own ways. The first step in achieving is not to go on crazy diets, it's to take baby-steps, and what's an evern smaller step than drinking water?

How much water a day?

You lose water in your body everyday. You lose it through urine, sweat, your breath and if you live in warmer climates, you will lose even more. The key is to always keep hydrated and if you do not drink enough, it can be dangerous BUT DON'T WORRY even though you don't get water, you can keep hydrated by the things you drink - coffee, juice, tea, soda, etc. (but water is the best).

Signs of dehydration is lack of energy, headaches, dark colour urine, and feeling lightheaded.

Usually, it is best to drink from 1.6 to 2.0 litres a day. That is about eight to ten 200 ml (8 ounces) glasses of water.