1731 Highway 71 South, Columbus, Texas 78934 - October 2013 | Page 3

Tips for Selling 2O reasons to hire a Texas REALTOR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. REALTOR@ ?. 8, Homes are boughi by comparison. I have a large inventory at my disposal lhrough MLS while you have an inventory ot one. I am very lamiliar with compstitiv€ houses so I can help you posilion your lt is hard negotiating lor yourEelf. l have lots of experience in w tang conlracts and can negotiale aggressively on your b€half. Buyers are not always fonhright about their {inancial siluation l insist on pre_ qualilying befofe l€ven bing you an ofler. l\,1y lender conlacts and mortgage expefience help buyerc get lhe financing Most buyers don't want to tell the seller why thoy don'l make an offer' I can prubs th€ buyer or his agenl forthat infomation. Any follow up you do with a buysr can be eeen as d€speration l foilow up as part of myjob so thalyou aro 6ot perceiv€d in a comprombing light. lcan showcase your improvements beitef so thatyou don't appear lik€you ar0 "selling." L Most s€llsrc who spend their tims as a For Salo Bv Owner end up bv listing in th€ €nd. A rscent NAR surv€y found that only 11iyo oi sellers nationally end€d up selling by owner. Why spend your lim€ and money il in the end yo! wil hir€ a REALTOR'? 10. 11. 12. 13. Unqualiii€d buyers can iis up your hom€. I maks suf€ that doesn'l happen. Personality contlicts with a buy€r can g€l in the wav. I com€ b€two€n th€ buyer and the sell6r so that p€rsonalities don't snter in l\,,lost buyers use a REALToR', which increases th€ numbef of buyors who will see your home I can mobilize my oompany agents and other aroa REAITORS" on your behalJ. 14. 15. NICOLA HAI\,IMETT Texas Star Rsalty 930 Walnut Strcel Columbus, TX 78934 16. An NAR surv€y of rcc€nt closed ssllers lound that REALToR-assisl€d sales broughl in 20% morc sales prics than For Sale Bv Own€r sales. A FSBO sign makes you vulnerable for any curiosily seekor or unsavory character. Wh€n you lisl, only buyers accompanied by a REALToR. will get inlo your home. Boing acces6ible to show your home limits your p€rsonal time and cuts down the a;ailable showing time when yo! list' you r proPerly will be available during normal showing hours and lhe prosPect will always be accompanied by me or another REALTOR'. Addiiional exposlre through MLS and the Internet brings you a higher prico I orchestfale the convact_to'closing process, including lhe appraisal' buyer loan process, titl€' insPeclions, p€st control, survay, etc.,laking this burd€n 19. lmake sure lhat you are compliant with alllaws relating to lhe sale ol your 20. (979) 7334594 17. 18. I only get paid when I gel the job done. visil For more infomalion aboul Texas REALToRS" or buying or sglling a home in Texas, TexasRealEstate com. 2)rexls RuroRs'Ui,1"#:il#",:f;'f*i;",-,?,:::lT::f"':"":i:'"H:Y[::.;",ru9,t:rii':3J*'"*'* ; l- woRKt\c FoR You! oM5qh.',ra.*.tordb-Ds arah'€xad