16 Week Face of America Training Plan & Guide | Page 2

Get Ready to Ride N ow you’re in, committed by registering, for your first Century+ 110-miler, so let’s get started on a 16-week training plan to successfully complete the ride as strong and comfortably as possible. Before we start however, you must be realistic and honest with the amount (or volume) of training time you’ll be able to devote to this new challenge. Furthermore, understand that this training plan will be “general in nature” so that you have the flexibility and options to adjust training according to your specific lifestyle and weekly training time available. Lastly, if injured or suddenly ill, immediately cease training and consult a professional degreed coach/exercise physiologist who you’re familiar or working with. If necessary, consult your physician, sports medicine doctor, or orthopedic specialist… prior to resuming training. Keep in mind that if you just recently developed a virus, some light training (backing off the volume and/or intensity) can help “tap” the immune system and facilitate a more rapid recovery. Conversely, if you continue with high intensity/high volume training, you’re “kicking the immune system while it’s down”, which often causes viruses to develop into upper respiratory infections (e.g. bronchitis). Bottom line, train smart by truly listening to your body, heed any warning signs, and always err on the side of recovery and safety. - Todd Parker M.A., M.S., CPT, CSCS, EST, USACC Remember this Mantra “Recovery is just as important as training itself!” Therefore, if you err on one side or the other, err on rest and recovery & not training – you’ll get stronger while your body “repairs itself” and adapts from the “stressors and muscle fiber ‘damage’” of training. If you have questions about this, go to my website blog, or send me a note. Now that you’ve committed, set challenging but realistic goals to focus your training! Regardless if it’s even inactive or active recovery, every training session should have at least one goal! TP2 – Todd parker Training programs, LLC - is “Internationally renowned for Coaching & Training Services” See Testimonials at toddparkertrainingprograms.com/