16 Shades of Black VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 May 2013 | Page 5



Hello NIGGA. How are you NIGGA?

Wait, you don’t understand that.

Let me try again. What up my NIGGA!

NIGGA where you been?

NIGGA where you going?

NIGGA… Are you a NIGGA?

You must be a NIGGA cause that’s how people see you.

But NIGGA, it’s not about the way you talk,

It’s not about the way you walk.

It’s not about the way you wear your hair,

It’s not about the trouble you bare.

Oh no NIGGA… It’s about the way you


NIGGA, from the blackness in your eyes,

To the blackness in your stride.

NIGGA from the blackness in your hair,

To the blackness in the clothes that you wear.

NIGGA from the blackness in your face,

To the blackness that you create.

NIGGAS will always be NIGGAS.

NIGGAS will always be seen as NIGGAS.

NIGGA, people will call you NIGGA behind your back.

NIGGA, people will call you NIGGA to your face.

NIGGAS will even call each other NIGGAS

Unless… you are not a NIGGA.

Then, who are you?

- Steven .W. Green