16 Shades of Black VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 May 2013 | Page 16


Could such a powerful concept as "race" also apply to the perception of objects?, what about humans or society acting as that object?; as if we no longer had the sense of sight, would we then make judgments based on certain physical appearances? Or if we no longer had sight, would racial issues occur? I have come to the understanding that with such a powerful sense, it has become a very valuable asset; an asset in the terms of allowing us to see color, in which we can examine and visualize the wonderful beauties of life, from the brown and white feathers upon a chicken to the flourishing redness of a rose. Though, at the same time, society uses sight as a very dangerous weapon; a weapon that is used to depict others as being different from one another, due to physical appearance, which generally leads to categorization.