15ISSUE Welcome to the VNB magazine September 2016 issue | Page 48

CREDIT CARDS 信用卡 OKMerchant help customers set up their merchant account so they can accept credit card at affordable rates. “We guarantee lifetime lowest processing rates and customers never have to pay for standard processing equipment, “ Gary said it with confidence, “ We will have the same rate as big companies. Chase will not give customers a low rate but we are capable of doing this.” OKMerchant 帮助客户开好信用卡户头所以他们能够以一个可支付的利率来 接收信用卡。“我们保证顾客终生最低交易率,客户永远不用支付标准的处理 设备。” Gary 自信地说:“我们和其他的公司利率一样。Chase银行可能给不 到客户那么低的交易率但是我们可以。” Once you become OKMerchant’s customer, you can enjoy a lot of benefits, just to name a few: processing for all major payment processing brands; real-time processing and fast authorizations; 24/7 customer support from a highly experienced team; Next day access to funds; Customized industry-specific solutions; PCI compliant equipment for the most secure transactions. 一旦你成为了OKMerchant 的客户,你会享受到很多福利,举例来说: 处理 所有主要的付款处理品牌交易;实时处理和快速认证;来自一个经验丰富团 队24/7的客户支持服务;第二天获取资金;定制的专门领域的方案;符合PCI 规格的设备来确保交易安全。 VN BMAG AZ I N E. CO M 48