15ISSUE Welcome to the VNB magazine September 2016 issue | Page 22

COVER Never be afraid to be perfect. L etitia Wei is a Chinese girl who’s studying MBA at New York. Knowing Le Quan, the founder of VNB, starts her VNB journey. Letitia said she commits to excellence in being a VNB model. It was not just because she wanted to be a model but she felt that the mission of VNB is inspiring. She hopes that she can contribute more to VNB and helps the girls who have the modeling dreams to come true.  Letitia is a very cheerful and energetic girl. She does not only speak English and Spanish, but also wants to utilize her value on walks of life. Just living half a year in New York, she has found three part-time jobs and began a busy New Yorker’s life. In life, she is a sports fan, such as fitness, hiking, biking, swimming, skating, playing billiards, and all of those are her strengths. Even with such a busy life, she still likes being a model. When she was 15 years old, she earned her first income by doing part-time modeling. She thinks if people only depend on their good looks, they are not good models. The temperament is from the inside and as well as outside. Being a model, one needs to learn a lot and also be patient. Letitia insists that girls who dare to show their charm are able to own their confidence, as well as it is a reward for their hard work to keep the fit body. Letitia believes girls shouldn’t be afraid to be perfect. Many parents will be concerned about their daughter’s future if they have learned so many skills because they probably will overwhelm themselves with work in the future. Letitia is not satisfied with her status and she wants to achieve her academic success, maintain a healthy and sexy body and have a taste of life. She believed the girl who’s independent and confident would acquire their happiness eventually. 永远不要害怕变得完美 Letitia Wei是在纽约攻读MBA的中国女孩,与Le Quan, VNB的创始人的相遇开启了她的VNB之旅。Letitia说她为 VNB当模特不仅仅是喜欢照片而已,是觉得VNB的初衷很 鼓舞人心,她希望可以通过给VNB工作来让更多有模特梦 想的女孩实现梦想。 Letitia 是一个非常开朗,非常有活 力的女孩。她不仅仅会说英语和西班牙语,她还在各行各 业尝试着发挥自己最大的价值。刚刚来纽约半年的她,已 经为自己找到了三份工作,开始了纽约客的忙碌生活。在 生活中,她是运动爱好者,健身,爬山,骑车,游泳,滑 冰,台球等等都是她的强项。即使是这样的忙碌生活,她 依然很喜欢模特这个行业。从15岁开始,人生中的第一笔 收入她就是靠做兼职模特得来的,她说不要觉得当模特只 要长得好看就好, 模特的气质是由内而外的,不是一次 拍照就可以练成的。Letitia认为女孩子敢于展现自己的魅 力是自信的表现,是对自己保持身材的辛苦努力的回报。 Letitia说女孩子不要害怕变得完美。很多父母都会担心女 孩子以后受累,会很辛苦。但是letitia就是一个不会满足现 状的女孩,她希望自己学业有成,又可以保持健康美丽, 还要有情趣的生活。她相信独立又自信的女孩会最终得到 她们想要的幸福。 Model: LETITIA WEI / Photographer: LE QUAN VN BMAG AZ I N E. CO M VN BMAG AZ I N E. CO M 22 22