15ISSUE Welcome to the VNB magazine September 2016 issue | Page 33

My name is Jiayanfei Li. I was born in northern China where girls are slim, tall and with passions of life. My dream is to be a model because my mother was a model when I was a little girl. I hope one day in the future, I can be a model just like my mother. Girls like to pursue beauty and I am no exception. I like to always be at the center of the spotlight. I have been modeling in front of cameras at car shows and other businesses for several years. However, those are not things I would like to pursue only.  I am trying very hard to complete my college degree. If the beautiful appearance is like a beautiful vase, the knowledge and the experience is the flowers in this vase. I am happy to utilize my beauty and my efforts to help me to complete my dream and also bring happiness to the readers of VNB magazine. I feel really appreciate to  VNB magazine because they are able to give me a chance to show myself.  I also hope I can get more opportunities to put more flowers in my vase. 我叫李佳岩菲,是一个出生在中国北方的女孩。正 如大多数的北方女孩一样,我有着直爽热情的性 格,和相对高挑的身材。我的梦想是成为一名模 特,因为我的妈妈就是一名优秀的模特,所以当我 在小时候,我就一直希望成为和我妈妈一样的人。 就像每一个爱美的女孩一样,我也热爱把自己打扮 的光彩夺目。我喜欢在聚光灯下展示我的美丽,车 展,秀场以及镜头下,都有着我的身影。但我并不 沉迷于此,我仍然在努力着完成自己的学业,如果 说美丽外表就如一个漂亮的花瓶,那知识和经验就 是插在瓶中那鲜艳的花朵。我乐于用我的美丽去完 成我的梦想以及为VNB杂志的读者带来快乐,因此 我非常感谢VNB给我一个可以展示自己的机会。我 也希望我能得到更多的机会,让漂亮的花瓶中可以 插上更多的鲜花。 BMAGAZI N I NE.E.CO VVNNBMAGAZ CO MM 3333