15ISSUE VNB magazine issue 23 | Page 58

What do Women see in Successful Men? L et’s look past the stacks of bills, shining trophies, and endless achievements. Who is the real man behind the success he owns? Other than those dollar signs, what is it about successful men that make them so desirable to women? Well, first off 1. They are hardworking Let’s face it, there is no such thing as an overnight success. No, winning the lottery means wealth, not success. Mega businesses are not built overnight, revolutions do not happen in a day, even JK Rowling had to start from paper towels. Although success does not necessarily come to those who work hard, successful men are almost always hard workers. They rarely complain about work, are eager to get things done, and don’t easily crack under stress, which leads to the fact that... 2. They are responsible In order to succeed in what they do, successful men take on a whole lot of responsibilities at work. Women like it when they see the word “responsible” taped over a man’s forehead. When they see responsible, in their head this translates into loving father, faithful husband, and possibly, even a great son-in-law for their parents! In short, someone awesome to have kids and grow old with. But bring responsible would mean even more if... 3. They are goal-driven Everything starts with an idea, but without a goal-driven character, it will stay an idea, possibly forever. Goal-driven people are doers, go-getters. They get things done, they make things happen, they are the fairy godmothers that make dreams come true. And we all know women love their fairy godmothers, don’t we? Successful men made their own successes happen, also because... WW W. V NBMAG AZIN E .C OM 58 By Celeste Pui Li Lim 4. They are passionate A man who is able to stick with something long enough and see it through to success has to love what he does. What most women won’t say or admit, is that a man looks his sexiest when he’s “on the field”. Nothing impresses a woman more than a man who’s passionate about his work, and nothing looks sexier than a man in the middle of work. The serious way a CEO talks in the middle of a meeting, the sleek w ^HH\