15ISSUE VNB magazine issue 23 | Page 17

Even if you fail to hit your goals after all the hard work, it is okay, because you will still have achieved something. If you never try, then the chances of you achieving something will be zero. 5. Have the courage to admit your mistakes “Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.” – Bruce Lee A teacher once asked his students, is admitting our mistakes shameful? 8 out of 10 said ‘No’. The other two students who were siblings thought that admitting mistakes is something shameful. It’s the environment we grow up in that shapes the way we think. Some may perceive mistakes as something bad. They think that it’s shameful to admit their mistakes. This could not be further from the truth. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes in our lives. The most important part is how we respond to it. Do we admit and acknowledge our mistakes, eventually learning from it? Or do we avoid talking about it and pretend nothing happened? The worst mistake you can make is, not admitting your own mistakes. Remember Nike’s slogan? Just do it! That’s what you need to do – take action. Yes, it is okay to think thoroughly before doing anything. But the more time you spend on thinking, the more likely you won’t do it. Think, but don’t overthink. Don’t get stuck in analysis-paralysis! 7. Learn to control your temper “A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough.” – Bruce Lee How many times have you lost your temper in the past? Countless times I suppose? And what happened next? Did the things you were angry about become better, or did it get worse? Admit it, your quick temper worsens the situation almost every time. Everyone experienced it before. We all know that letting our anger loose is harmful to us. We want to change that, but it is not easy to take control of our temper. We are only humans after all. 6. Don’t think too much, just do it “If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.” – Bruce Lee So, what can you do to control your temper? Well, there are many things you can do, but the best advice I can give is to take a deep breath and think it through. You still need oxygen when you’re angry after all. Remember, always control your temper before it controls you! Let’s face it, before we start doing something new, something out of our comfort zone, we think about it for a long time. In the end, we did nothing other than thinking. I hope you enjoyed my insight on Bruce Lee’s quotes. What quotes would you add to this list that has made a difference in your life? Comment Below! This is especially true for those who are thinking of starting their own business or those who have crazy and unconventional ideas. They tend to think carefully of the plan and the risks involved in it. A lot of “what-if” questions will came across their minds. “What if this idea won’t work out? What if the business fails?” Kevin Choong Kevin is the founder of MotivationK. Inspired to go the extra mile by others and now wants to inspire others to pursue their dreams and live their lives to the fullest. WWW. V N BMA G AZINE.COM 17