# 13 : Macadamia Nuts
# 14 : Mushrooms
Salt is one of the most common household items that can be found in your kitchen . It used to be the standard for inducing vomiting in dogs but vets no longer recommend the procedure .
Salt can cause the kidneys to shut down as well as seizures , coma and death .
Salt is not found just in the shaker but rather in many household items such as play doh , rock salt , and many medicines or treatments .
# 13 : Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts can cause severe reactions in dogs , with the severity depending primarily on the amount ingested and the size of the dog .
Some reaction signs are extreme lethargic behavior , a fever , upset stomach , and the cease of limb function .
The effector in the macadamia nut is unknown but almost immediately effects the central nervous system .
# 14 : Mushrooms
There are many different types of mushrooms common to the United States .
Most types are non-toxic to dogs ; however , a small variety can be considered toxic and even deadly .
Aminta , Galerina and the Lepiota variety are some of the most deadly .
Depending on the type of mushroom ingested many symptoms can occur , such as hallucinations , extreme thirst , seizures and the inability to walk .
If you see your dog eat a mushroom and symptoms occur you should contact your vet immediately .