Obaid Almalki , Yanqing Duan and Ingo Frommholz
DeLone and McLean model is the best model to measure the success of enterprise systems . The main purpose of DeLone and McLean ( 1992 ) review was to synthesise IS research into coherent knowledge . Also , the previous attempts to address IS success were not properly addressed ( Petter et al . 2008 ). This was due to the complexity , interdependency , and multidimensionality of the IS success problem ( Petter et al . 2008 ).
According to DeLone and McLean ( 2003 ), their model , which was first proposed in 1992 , has been cited by many researchers in their studies . The validation and the use of the model in different applications of IS are strong indicators of the strength of this model ( Petter et al . 2008 ; DeLone and McLean 2004 ). Also , the proposed model by DeLone and McLean can be applied and used for both the individual and at organisational level ( Petter et al . 2008 ).
Figure 1 : Updated DeLone and Mclean IS success model ( DeLone and McLean 2003 )
3.2 TAM
Acceptance of technology by users has become an important subject in the field of IS over the last three decades . Many studies attempted to propose models that can interpret and predict system use . TAM is among those models that were widely used and it remains well known by the IS researchers . Thus , it becomes essential in this study to consider TAM when intending to understand the acceptance of e‐government technology by users . The first theory that was proposed in the context of understanding human behaviours that influence IT adoption was the Theory of Reasoned Action ( TRA ) ( Compeau and Higgins 1995 ; Arrivals et al . 2007 ). This theory was introduced by Fishbein and Ajzen ( 1975 ) and it gained attention of researchers in this field ( Compeau and Higgins 1995 ). Figure 2 shows TAM proposed by Davis ( 1989 ).
Figure 2 : TAM proposed by Davis ( 1989 )
The TAM was proposed by Fred Davis in 1985 with the main purpose of investigating the mediating role of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use and their relation to other external variables and the extent to which they affect system use ( Legris et al . 2003 ). Recently , Davis has suggested a new version of TAM and named it TAM2 with a new construct : ‘ subjective norms ’ ( Legris et al . 2003 ).