Norbert Ahrend , Konrad Walser and Henrik Leopold
quantitative study . Public administrations could use the identified factors for complementing their BPM implementation strategy .
5 . Conclusion
In this paper we investigated the BPM implementation in the public administration of Germany , Switzerland and Austria . We conducted 13 interviews and compared three case studies with a set of systematically derived comparison criteria .
We found that the public administrations of all three countries have recognized the importance of BPM . Due to differences in culture , size , and technical preconditions , all three countries pursue their own BPM implementation strategy . Currently , Switzerland is ahead of Germany and Austria with regard to standardization . Germany , on the other hand , builds on an interorganizational platform including a wide range of free tools for process modeling . Austria is more focusing on the technical implementation and the harmonization of support processes . As a result , they currently have reached the highest degree of process harmonization .
Currently it is not possible to predict which BPM approach will be potentially more successful in the long run . In general , we concluded that political backing is one of the main factors for BPM success . Further , partnerships among the administration authorities represent a key point . Only by facilitating partnerships , a holistic management concept as BPM can be successfully implemented in the organizational environment of public administrations . Here , tools can effectively support such partnerships by offering social network components in the context of platforms . Although , the findings of the presented research are not generalizable , they might serve as an important guidance for research and practice . Due to the lack of research in that field , this work represents a first step towards an understanding of BPM in public administrations .
In future research , we plan to extend our study with cases from other European and also Non‐European countries . We further strive for increasing the total number of interviews such that our findings reach a higher degree of external validity . Finally , we will continue to investigate the three presented cases in order to learn how these BPM initiatives evolve .
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