13th European Conference on eGovernment – ECEG 2013 1 | Page 35

Norbert Ahrend , Konrad Walser and Henrik Leopold
System Management ( Process Management )
Suppliers / Demanders Economy
Suppliers / Demanders Administration
Elements of the Systems
Administration Levels Administration Units Tasks Services Process Employees
Methods Tools ‐ Process Management ‐ Tools Services , Architectures
Output Customers
Citizens Economy
Limits Interfaces
External Factors
Limits Interfaces
Legal System
Figure 1 : System model
From the presented system we can derive certain comparison criteria for the case studies at hand . Adding a consideration of the remaining challenges , we will focus on the following five criteria :
• Framework conditions ( politics , justice system , culture and market )
• Input variables
• Methods and standards
• Tools ( modeling , application and implementation tools for process management )
• Challenges
In the following , we will use these criteria for analyzing and comparing the three case studies from Germany , Switzerland and Austria .
3 . Comparative analysis of case studies
In this section we present the results from the comparative analysis of the three case studies . Table 2 provides a first overview of the cases based on the comparison criteria we derived in Section 2.2 . In the remainder of this section we will elaborate the details of the comparison . Therefore , we will discuss each comparison criterion in detail .
3.1 Framework conditions
In general , it can be stated that BPM has reached the practice in public administration . The diffusion is not very high yet , but various initiatives are in progress on all federal levels in all of these countries .
Overall , the framework conditions in the investigated countries can be considered to be rather similar . In all three countries we observe a federal structure of the administration . Although Switzerland is based on consensus‐oriented democracy , the structure of the public administration is similar to Germany and Austria . However , the size of the overall population in Switzerland cannot be denied as an influencing factor . In Further , in